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Anthrax is a serious infectious disease caused by Bacillus Anthracis, a gram positive bacterium that forms spores. A spore is a cell that is dormant but may come to life with the right conditions a...
Non invasive ventilation (NIV) is used to provide respiratory pressure support to upper airway by using external masks without the insertion of endotracheal tube. It is mostly used...
1. Introduction
In the present case study there is an ethico-legal arise when doctors have to perform treatment of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) by which Mr. Con is suffering ...
In the present case study there is an ethico-legal arise when doctors have to perform treatment of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) by ...
My preposition is that without adequate expertise and material as well as human resource performing such intricate surgery is not justifiable and against the ethical principles.
While per...
APRNs are involved in treating and diagnosis of illnesses, teaching the members of the population on health issues, management of chronic illnesses, engaging in continuous learning to remain releva...
The Advanced Practice Nurse (APN) is critical in providing advanced healthcare services to patients in various institutional settings. Their role is defined by professional guidelines, theory, and ...
The entire medical professional body is always working on ensuring that there is saving of human life and improving it to make it at least better. Professional nurses, for instance, are some of the...
Mrs. A is a 65 year old lady that lives with her 68 year old sister. Mrs. A is a widow and has no parents or children of her own, leaving her sister as her only immediate family. Over the last 30 y...
Nurses are constantly confronting various ethical issues in their everyday clinical practice. An ethical dilemma is complex situation emerging from the conflict between moral obligations in which c...
Jordan being a teen and introducing him to a new regimen of eating like MyPlate will be
challenging and most helpful to him. Most people perform better when they can see the result
Teen Case Study Jordan is a 14-year-old middle school student who weighs 275 pounds and is 5’6” tall. Over the past 2 years, he has gained 60 pounds, has begun to withdraw from social a...
Assignment 2: Study Plan
In a bid to pass my certification exams, I have demonstrated that my strength lies in clinical competence (Mancini et al., 2019). I have sh...
PHI is a HIPAA privacy provision that protects the personalized health information of patients kept by certain organizations. Patients have a variety of rights under PHI. In order to comply with PH...
Various types of conflicts involving multiple healthcare stakeholders can occur in a healthcare setting. The parties involved use different methods to resolve conflict, depending on the situation, ...
Trazodone, an SSRI with a reduced risk of adverse effects, has been my choice for continued use due to its favorable profile. Notably, Trazodone has been clinically proven to impro...
I made the decision to maintain the patient’s current dosage of Trazodone at 50 mg, as it has already proven effective in improving his sleep quality. While priapism, an uncommon side effect ...
Sleep disorders are conditions that result in changes in an individual’s pattern of sleep (Mayo Clinic, 2020). Not surprisingly, a sleep diso...
RNs and APRNs need to be involved in the evaluation process of policies and programs to ensure they are functioning and accomplishing the intended goals. This practice is an essential piece of the ...
One of the opportunities that exist for RN and APRN to be involve in policy review is by becoming a member of their states association. Becoming a member of their states association will allow an R...