NR 504 Week 5 Leading a Culture of Excellence Paper

When discussing the significance of a culture of excellence, it is important to mention the organizational culture and mission, vision, and values of an organization, in particular. Mission and vision statements help a company to communicate its purpose and values to key stakeholders, which include employees, partners, investors, and patients (in the healthcare industry) (MacLead, 2016). In addition, establishing a set of distinct values, a clear mission, and a long-term vision of an organization helps in the goal-setting process. Management can engage in strategic planning more effectively if one of the criteria is how well an objective helps the company pursue its mission (MacLead, 2016). The purpose of the paper is to examine the importance of a culture of excellence in nursing practice and identify the elements that guide it. The paper includes sections explaining the concept of a culture of excellence, interrelationships between mission, vision, values, and a culture of excellence, as well as leadership strategies that help to promote the culture.

Culture of Excellence

Establishing a culture of excellence in a business setting means finding the most efficient way to fulfill the mission and vision of an organization. Thus, the culture of excellence needs to be people-oriented to empower employees to commit to continuous improvement and be flexible to accept changes (Suciu, 2017). When it comes to the culture of excellence, there is a sense of ownership among teams, which is why every member feels like a stakeholder. One of the most important characteristics of the excellence culture is shared vision, goals, and ethics. Another essential aspect is the encouragement of innovation and creativity, which, in turn, fosters continuous improvement. In addition, commitment to excellence in the fulfillment of the mission, as well as mutual support of each other’s success, are two of the other characteristics of the culture of excellence in an organization.

In terms of the CE’s significance in pediatric nursing, it is important to acknowledge that establishing continuous improvement practices fosters innovation within an organization. In turn, innovation is needed to successfully battle the ongoing challenges in child healthcare (Taitz, 2015). Doctors, nurses, and other medical professionals involved in pediatrics have to familiarize themselves with the latest evidence-based practices, which often test their ability to deal with technologically advanced treatments (Taitz, 2015). Moreover, medical staff has to maintain a balance between innovation and the safety of pediatric care.

Overview of the Concept Map

Seattle Children’s Hospital (n.d.) prides itself in its mission to provide care to every child so that they could live the healthiest and most fulfilling lives. The vision of the medical center is to become the nation’s most innovative hospital specializing in pediatric care (Seattle Children’s Hospital, n.d.). As for the hospital’s values, it emphasizes the significance of compassion, integrity, equity, collaboration, and innovation in its operations (Seattle Children’s Hospital, n.d.). The existing mission, values, and mission reflect onto one another. For example, the Seattle Children’s Hospital’s vision of innovation ties into its set of values perfectly (collaboration=partners in advanced technologies and new treatments, innovation=fostering new approaches to care). Moreover, the hospital’s commitment to compassion and integrity in its practice is an extension of the organization’s global mission of making every child happy through high-quality care. Interrelationships between the hospital’s mission, vision, and values demonstrate the level of integration of excellence culture into its operations. The Seattle Children’s Hospital’s mission and vision are supported by its values, all of which emphasize the pediatric center’s determination to improve and strive for excellence.

Leading a Culture of Excellence

The two leadership strategies that could be applied to Seattle Children’s Hospital are the facilitation of open communication channels between employees as well as the incorporation of tools for accountability/recognition. To communicate organizational objectives at the unit level, Seattle Children’s Hospital could implement staff meetings and other venues for information sharing, including “unit councils, newsletters, emails, texting groups, one-on-one meetings, performance evaluations, and communication trees” (Medeiros, 2020, p. 7). The success of a strategic plan of Seattle Children’s Hospital depends on the commitment from workers, which can be influenced through the system of disciplinary measures and practices for celebrating certain milestones. When leaders fail to hold their subordinates accountable o

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