NR504 Week 5 Leading a Culture of Excellence Paper

A Culture of Excellence Patients and families expect the highest standard of care possible no matter which health care system they choose. It is imperative that an organization creates a standard of excellence to increase a patient’s overall satisfaction and to ensure the best possible patient outcomes. Throughout this paper this writer will be discussing a hospital in Massachusetts: Boston Medical Centers (BMC) and how the mission, vision and values, support the creation of a culture of excellence within its organization. The paper will be broken down into four sections: a culture of excellence overview, BMC’s concept map, leading a culture of excellence and a conclusion where there will be a self-reflection of the insights obtained by completing this assignment. Culture of Excellence The mission statement for BMC is “Exceptional care. Without exception”. This is their mission statement because services in this hospital are provided regardless of a person’s status or ability to pay. No patient is ever turned away. This is just one example of how BMC creates a culture of excellence within their organization and with their staff. BMC’s vision: “Make Boston the healthiest urban population in the world by 2030” (Boston Medical Center, n.d.). The higher standard of care that BMC instills in all its staff and members of the community takes into consideration the population served, which is greater than 70% of non-Caucasian decent. BMC’s core values are able to guide the goals, the beliefs, decision-making and behaviors, all of which reinforce the culture of excellence. The values are built on respect and involve many faces of greatness. The term culture of excellence combines the concept of organizational culture with the notion of excellence of mortal category, a pattern of assumptions, invented, discovered or developed (Mintrom, 2014)

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