NURS FPX 4900 Assessment 3 Assessing the Problem Technology Care Coordination and Community Resources Considerations PS


These applications of patient-centered safe, efficient, and quality health care provide an acceptance as a clinical method. The team-based efforts of diabetes management, glycemic control medication uses accepted over time and also improves effectiveness the of diabetic care (Izquierdo et al., 2015). Long-term diabetes management care in hospital settings requires a comprehensive care practice by skilled staff. Diabetics tend to have a high rate of rehospitalization in case of progression of diabetes to microvascular complications. The knowledge and skill of nurses are also crucial; at this point. Diabetics require individual care plans, the nurses must adhere to the guidelines of the American Dietetic Association (ADA) (Munshi et al., 2016). 

The care coordination at health care centers is an evolving role of registered nurses. Patient-centered health care provisions require a multicentric approach in intervention strategies. The coordination among the nursing staff and with the patient as well. Care coordination functions to ensure the needs of patients related to health service information and practice (Vanderboom et al., 2015). Nurse coordination requires management team, education, skills, knowledge of the policies and guidelines. Professional teamwork provides supportive information and evidence-based therapeutic methods (Martins, F.Z. and Dall’Agnol, 2017). Survival skills and education of the emergency measures provide safe community care. The interdisciplinary communication of the health care system with integrated services ensures high-quality care (Hardee et al., 2015). 

NURS FPX 4900 Assessment 3 Assessing the Problem Technology Care Coordination and Community Resources Considerations PS

Community-based diabetes prevention and management programs can be effective in reducing the complications of diabetes. The dietary and lifestyle awareness campaigns and education at the education centers, professional works enhance the awareness in the general masses. The Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) has issued the guidelines of the community-based intervention strategies. The American Diabetic Association also provides online and other resources for community integration in self-management. The help on health insurance also provides financial support for the care practices. AD also provides a guideline on the standard nutrition food products in the market. Diabetes care help is also available online for people. The state’s community health workers program can lead to the better implementation of the strategies. It requires the skill and knowledge of the health worker. The knowledge of the subject and all the related guidelines and policies will enhance the effectiveness of the communication and acceptance of the information by the general masses. 

Potential Barriers

The implementation of the technology, community measures, and the health care nurse coordination care face certain issues. The health care strategy and resource care implementation often face multiple barriers at the fronts of availability of resources, cost, and individual preferences. It has been reported that glucose control and monitoring the patient faces issues of education, insurance, and costs invested on the resources. The perceptions of pain and psychological issues of depression and anxiety also affect the proper medication and outcomes on the disease (Pagan and ElAarag, 2018). The implementation of telemedicine in diabetic retinopathy identification faces poor imaging quality. If the imagining method is improved the overall eye health care system will benefit from it. It will also be an effective way of screening exams for retinopathy (Mansberger et al., 2013). However, the administrative costs of telemedicine in screening exams establishes high costs requirements. It requires a sufficient coverage of resources both financial and non-financial to promote the telemedicine-based diabetic eye are (Rachapelle et al., 2013). 

The applications of technology and telemedicine tools in the general masses face some issues. Most of the cases of diabetes have old age, the limitations of the use of technology can sometimes compromise the effective outcomes. At the same time, the majority of people accept it as a cost-effective method. It has also been reported that the factors including performance expectancy, effort expectance, social influence of the patient, behavioral intentions of the patients (Rho et al., 2015).  

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