1 Culture of Excellence Leading a Culture of Excellence NR504- Leadership and Nursing Practice: Role Development

The organization I would like to highlight is the Alzheimer's association. The Alzheimer's association's values include inclusivity, community, accountability, agility, and integrity. The Alzheimer's association mission statement reads, "The Alzheimer's Association leads the way to end Alzheimer's and all other dementia — by accelerating global research, driving risk reduction and early detection, and maximizing quality care and support." The Alzheimer's association values reflect a culture of excellence because they value community, accountability and integrity which are values that align closely with healthcare. According to Arthurs et al., Creating a culture of nursing excellence requires strategic planning, transformational leadership, and effective change management" which supports the points made in this paper (2017).Leadership values that the Alzheimer's association encompasses include a transformational leadership style and democratic leadership styles. Culture of Excellence The characteristics of culture include being meaningful, significant, and purpose-based, the Alzheimer's association follows these characteristics because their values closely align to these characteristics. By having values like community and integrity, as well as hosting their largest fundraiser of the year, the walk to end Alzheimer's. This walk brings together members from all different backgrounds and cultures in order to instill a sense of community and togetherness to support the cause of finding a cure to end Alzheimer's. "The culture of excellence have to empower and engage all the people within an organization to think out of the box in a modern vision suitable to the challenging and changing times" (Suciu, 2017). The culture of excellence is important to the executive track because as the manager of a department employees should feel meaningful and significant in their jobs as nurses. When nurses are feeling appreciated and meaningful, they will perform above the standard of care and provide a better

3 Culture of Excellence quality of care for patients, making their jobs have more of a purpose and giving the department a purpose to serve the community. Overview of Mission, Vision and Values The Alzheimer's association's values include inclusivity, community, accountability, agility, and integrity. According to the alz.org Accountability takes responsibility to achieve goals and expect result- from ourselves and others.Community- inspire all people and organizations to join the cause and grow our shared passion. Integrity- act ethically, with honesty, transparency, and compassion. The mission statement for The Alzheimer's Association is, "The Alzheimer's Association leads the way to end Alzheimer's and all other dementia — by accelerating global research, driving risk reduction and early detection, and maximizing quality care and support." The vision of the Alzheimer's association reads "A world without Alzheimer's and all other dementia". Their mission and values are reflected between each other because having integrity and accountability is important to the goals of the organization as well as important for a culture of excellence which the Alzheimer's association strives for. this can be evidenced by Malone, "The excellent leader must strive to build a culture of integrity that is evident when organizational principles of shared communication and ethical decision-making are encouraged, expected, and demonstrated" (2020). The vision statement directly relates to the mission and values of the Alzheimer's association because they want to see a world where no one suffers from Alzheimer's and for this to be possible these values need to be implemented and followed by members of the organization in order to achieve this goal. Leading a Culture of Excellence In order to provide a culture of excellence I would recommend transformation leadership approach in my MSN role. This can be evidenced by Ahmad & Rochimah, "Transformational

4 Culture of Excellence leadership has a direct and positive impact on the integrity. Improving the implementation of transformational leadership is effective to enhance self-integrity" (2022). This approach understands what change is needed and values integrity of situations and people, it also encourages participation from those in the group which I feel will be the most beneficial way to lead as an advanced practice nurse. This leadership approach also closely aligns with the Alzheimer's Association mission and values. I would also recommend a democratic leadership style to promote a culture of excellence because democratic leaders gather information from everyone so everyone can be a part of the decision-making process and this is important for manifesting the characteristics of a culture of excellence. Th

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