For this Discussion, review the Learning Resources, including the case study entitled Assessment Instrument Misuse. Think about concerns or issues that might arise related to psychometric properties of assessment. Post a description of your concern about Nadine’s situation related to misuse of psychometric properties of assessment. Explain a different situation in which counselors might encounter concerns or issues related to assessment use.

Discussion: Implications of Assessment Instrument Misuse

The process of assessing a patient for their mental health issue is of importance because it allows for the collection of the right patient information as opined by Norris, Clark, and Shipley (2016). The process is important because it allows for the collection of the right data for analysis of the patient information. The correct analysis of patient information can therefore be attained if one puts into account the use of the right method. To be able to use the right information there will be a need for one to have an understanding of the method being used in the collection of data. The concern with Nadine’s situation is that she does not have an understanding of the methods that she is being told to apply in the process of carrying out the patient examination. The process may end up leading to the counselor making mistakes since she does not have an understanding of the method….

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