Develop an appreciation for informatics, basic skills and knowledge required in practice settings. Students will select a “hot” or popular topic of particular interest to their practice to discuss. The topic will be selected from the website using the link provided in the course Assignments section

HealthIT Topic of Week


The use of information technology in healthcare has been fundamental in improving the quality of healthcare services and efficiency of care. There are sentiments on the use of technology in healthcare but many healthcare providers are in support of the need for increased use of technology in the healthcare sector. This paper intends to examine a healthcare IT topic of the week. This entails the discussion of the topic selected, the influence of the topic in practice, and the informatics skills used in the completion of the assignment. 

Relevant HealthIT Topic to discuss and rationale for selecting the topic

The relevant IT topic of the week is “Optum survey: Providers see telehealth as convenient, but frustrations remain” by Minemyer (2022). The topic that is focused on is a survey carried out on the use of telehealth. The survey showed that although there has been a convenience with the use of telehealth there has been a challenge on the frustrations that have arisen. The survey carried out is for 240 healthcare providers in different service lines. The largest number of selected participants in the survey are in primary care. 

The convenience of the use of telehealth is seen among 69% of the population while only 29% argued that the use of this IT method in the process of delivery of care is frustrating. The use of telehealth is found to be convenient because it helps in the determination of how healthcare providers can handle the needs of patients on time. The process as well helps in the creation of an error-free healthcare environment….

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