NR 504 Week 5 Leading a Culture of Excellence Paper Part II


With the rise in global issues such as the COVID-19 pandemic, it is evident that the need for better preventive and innovative health services that can embed the core aspects of nursing such as quality, reliability, cost-effectiveness, sustainability, safer, and inclusive care for all. This is possible if the organizations work collectively towards developing, implementing, and evaluating an excellent culture that can solve healthcare complexities and overcome all the obstacles (Fitzgerald, 2019). An organization with a culture of excellence will include many different aspects in it and they are quality of care, cost-effective sustainable care, higher patient and employee satisfaction, better work environment, innovation, excellent governance, and the involvement of community and leaders (Edmonson & Asturi, 2015). These are outlined and highlighted in an organization’s mission, vision, and core values. The purpose of this essay is to analyze the importance of mission, vision, and core values along with the leadership traits that lead an organization to have a culture of excellence. The essay explains the concept of a culture of excellence, organizational characteristics, and the relation between mission, vision, and values through a concept map and strategies that lead an organization to have a culture of excellence. 

NR 504 Week 5 Leading a Culture of Excellence Paper Part II

Characteristics of a Culture of Excellence

A culture of excellence is a catalyst in creating a high-performance healthcare organization. Concerning health care services, the culture of excellence can be defined as a collection of individual, organizational, and community factors that aid in creating high standards in service provided in regard to quality, cost, equity, safety, accountability, integrity, inclusiveness, communication and satisfaction levels of everyone who is involved with the organization including patients and their families (Fitzgerald, 2019). If an organization has a better work culture and environment, it provides better opportunities for the nurses and other healthcare staff to practice effectively and with low errors (Edmonson & Asturi, 2015). A better work environment is one of the first characteristics as it empowers and motivates health professionals resulting in better care. 

The second characteristics are equity integrated with inclusiveness. A community includes people from different races, cultures, and socioeconomic backgrounds. Equity can provide access to everyone resulting in a better and healthy community (Fitzgerald, 2019). The third characteristics are accountability. If the organization is not accountable for its actions, it will fail to acknowledge issues in health care (Lown, Shin & Jones, 2019). For example, in the MSN education track, it is important to provide resources, training, and proper guidance to nurses. To do that, it is important to take responsibility and be accountable for increasing knowledge, skills, resilience, and leadership traits in individuals. The fourth characteristics are innovation. The nursing field is dynamic and it reflects in MSN education. If educators use the same old methods and interventions, it is not feasible to bring innovation in health care to reduce complexities. By integrating technology, new theories, and models along with EBP interventions, it is possible to mitigate complex healthcare issues. To achieve all these, an educator, leader, or advocate is needed and this is the fifth characteristic. 

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