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CC (chief complaint): ” I have a history of taking medications and then stopping them. I don’t think I need them. I fe...
Geriatric Case Study
The patient is an 89-year-old Caucasian male who presented in the clinic with his granddaughter. The chief complaints that are presented by t...
Lab Assignment: Differential Diagnosis for Skin Conditions
By utilizing effective techniques for conducting patient interviews and physical
examinations, clinicians compile subj...
Chief Complaint (CC): “Too many stretch marks on my stomach since being
History of Present Illness (HPI):
28-year-old ...
SUBJECTIVE DATA: Chief Complaint (CC):Painful rash and joint pain History of Present Illness (HPI):During the day, AB a 23-year-old lady was presented to the clinic with an onset of painful plague ...
Applying Ethical Principles
As a healthcare provider, one may experience ethical dilemmas when discharging their duties. The case study that shows the overu...
Capstone Project Evaluation
The project that is focused on is intended to help in the development of skills in the process of diagnosis and treatment or managemen...
Consequentialist Theories Proposal
The process of handling organization activities is supposed to be based on an applicable intervention or theory. The process is...
RUA: Scholarly Article Review
The process of critique of an article is one of the ways that helps in the determination of the validity of the article. The critiqu...
The A.G. was 70 years old female patient who has a past medical history o...
Dilemma Description
The boy name AC, 7 years old, and came in with broken leg. He is suffering gr...
There are many different types of diseases which affect human body to get ill. Hepatitis C is one of them. Hepatitis C is one of liver disease which mainly spre...
It is very important to understand your doctors and caregivers are telling you about your care and treatment. Many peopl...
Nursing Diagnosis #1: Decreased Cardiac Output R/T Alterations in rate, rhythm, electrical c...