Reflection on the Use of Evidence to Plan and Implement Educational Handout Project


Although, I see evidence-based practice at work daily, I also see that there is much room for improvement in the quality of care that we provide. Developing effective patient education handouts was difficult. Many caregivers have neither the time not the training to write and design them. The creator of this product must be sensitive in their use of language, illustrations and and preferences will increase patient safety and will improve patient’s awareness of their treatments. For these reasons, it is important to ensure that health care team have advanced skills in order to be able to educate their patients. Health Care Technology Improve Communication The innovation of technology provide access to the most recent research in nursing that helps me develop my educational brochure that I believe it can successfully improve patient outcomes. Moreover, the electronic medical record also assist nurses to support the patients and share with them preventive services and resources. Technology has and continues to impact nursing on many levels. Nowadays, nurses are in a better position to communicate effectively with the patients and the health care team. Technology allow nurses to expand their roles and coordinate care which answer to the increasing demands and needs of the population. For instance, “the evolution of Apps for smart future of nursing seems to be promising with the advancement of technology.

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