NRNP PRAC 6635 Comprehensive Psychiatric Evaluation- Week 3: Mood Disorders-Mrs. Louise Carson

Name: Mrs. Louise Carson
Gender: female
Age: 49 years old
T- 98.8 P- 99 R 20 150/88 Ht 5’5 Wt 135lbs
Background: Currently living in Indianapolis, IN, working full-time as a logistics buyer in a medical facility. Has an MBA. Lives with her husband and three children, three boys who are all teenagers. Born and raised in Indianapolis, IN with her mother and two sisters. Father deceased in MVA when she was 2 years old. Sister has depression; mother has history of being a “functioning alcoholic”. Recently informed by her PCP she has a “fatty liver.” Allergies: latex

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CC (chief complaint):  “ I am wound up, lost my temper”

HPI: The patient is a 49-year-old female person who is called Mrs.Louise Carson. The patient points out that she has had an experience of change in her moods to the extent that she has been asked by her supervisor whether everything was okay. The patient has had a challenging experience in that she has not been in a position to handle the various measures of change that could ensure that one can live a healthy life with the elevation of the junior persons to the supervisor position making her condition even worse. The patient is a resident of Indianapolis in Indiana and works full-time as the logistics buyer in a medical health facility. Her highest level of education is a master’s degree in business administration. She is married and has three children. Her boys are teenagers. She was born and was raised in Indianapolis, IN and her mother took care of her and her two sisters. Her father died when she was 2 years old. In her family issues, her sister is suffering from depression while her mother is a functioning alcoholic. The patient was recently informed that she had a fatty liver. The patient is allergic to latex

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