NRNP 6665 Assignment 2: Study Plan

Assignment 2: Study Plan 

In a bid to pass my certification exams, I have demonstrated that my strength lies in clinical competence (Mancini et al., 2019). I have shown the capability to perform well and take action in numerous real-life circumstances. As such, I am confident of excelling in practical clinical practice. Today, the health care system is hugely dynamic and intricate, which needs instant and informed decisions to enhance patient welfare. Therefore, honing my skills and strength in clinical competence is essential in helping me to stay abreast and navigate this highly evolving and intricate health care system (Mancini et al., 2019). Essentially, I appreciate that certification exam is crucial in imparting requisite skills, education, and experience to enhance patient care and health outcomes. The opportunity for improvement to pass this certification exam includes building effective study strategies, revising the initial study plan to fit my current plans, proper time management, reducing anxiety, developing confidence, and creating test-taking skills. These strategies are vital and practical for passing my certification exams.

New SMART Goals

  Smart Goals How to Achieve SMART Goals
Specific Improve my performance generally to increase chances for passing the certification exam and getting certified as a registered nurse. Create a new study plan based on my demonstrated strengths, study resources, established target, and self-knowledge.
Measurable Strive to obtain at least a credit pass in certification exams.



Begin studying for the certification exams early and work on my weak areas.
Attainable I will arrange a weekly meeting with my instructor to guide me on my weak areas and attend group discussions with my peers frequently to strengthen my weak areas further. Ensure face-to-face contact with my instructor and peers to ensure effective guidance on how to improve my strengths.



Relevant Strongly emphasize on myself and my behaviors and avoid things beyond my control. This is essential in assisting me to stay focused and pass my exams. Reflect on my previous successes, failures, and test-taking skills. This reflection is essential in identifying what has worked and what has not worked for me before. In turn, I will make informed decisions.
Time The certification exam is still three months away.  This period is enough for preparations and consultation with my instructor and peers. The period is also enough to take more steps pertinent to preparations for my exams. Revise and adjust the weak areas that still need more effort.






Resources to Accomplish Goals and Tasks

The realization of my goals and tasks relies on utilizing various resources. The first resource is study groups. Attending study groups is critical in motivating creative thinking and developing effective skills in communication. Creative thinking and effective communication skills are critical in nursing practice (Aung et al., 2018). The other potential resource is the utilization of mnemonic strategy. Mnemonic strategy is essential in boosting memory on vital information. This resource is a crucial strategy in linking the newly acquired information to the previous knowledge through acoustic cues and visuals. The other vital resources to accomplish my goals and tasks are online resources. For instance, Internet documents and web pages can be utilized to find essential information relevant to my goals and tasks.


Aung, K. T., & Jamal, N. Q. A. B. (2018). Nurse managers’ perspectives on nurses’ performance in mentorship program. Enfermeria Clinica28, 139-143.

Mancini, M. E., LeFlore, J. L., & Cipher, D. J. (2019). Simulation and clinical competency in undergraduate nursing programs: A multisite prospective study. Journal of Nursing Education58(10), 561-568.

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