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Public Service Announcement on Bullying

This PSA aims to prevent bullying in communities and schools in the United States (U.S.). The bullying phenomenon is experienced extensively by learners across developmental periods, d...

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The Implication of Bullying on Nursing Practice

Bullying is an existential problem in the American social system. It has persisted for decades primarily in schools but has extended to the workplace, social media, transport, and business....

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need to write an essay about bullying. It will be group work so we have to split it. My part is the Mentalizing part and my other classmate will due the attachment theory. We are concentrate to middle shool age boys(about 8-10 years old.) We are using this book in the class

Emotion is a central part of mentalizing so the topic on metallization focuses on the emotional mentalizing and the effects it has on bullying.Metalizing in the psychological effects of bullying es...

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NR 439 Week 1: Role of Research and the Importance of the Searchable Clinical Question Week 1 Case Study

A 57‑year‑old female presented with a 13 year history of diabetes. Due to the failure of oral hypoglycemic agents (OHAs) in controlling her sugar levels, for the last 3 years, she was treated w...

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NR 439 Week 2: Search for Literature and Levels of Evidence

Working in the hospital Emergency department we see patients come in on a daily basis status post fall at home with devastating consequences such as hip fractures, and other injuries requiring hosp...

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NRS-493 Professional Capstone and Practicum Reflective Journal – Topic 2

As a student in Master of Science in nursing program, I have learned that there is always room for growth and development in my professional practice. Through the studies, I have gained knowledge o...

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Professional Capstone and Practicum Reflective Journal Week 2: Interprofessional Collaboration

This week we focused on interprofessional collaboration. It characterizes the coordination of healt...

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A literature review analyzes on Obesity based on PICOT Statement Paper and Literature Evaluation Table

Current research provides viewpoints that support PICOT. The focus is on eight research papers that provide information on the concept. Each researcher involved has established ...

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NRS-493 Literature Review Solved

Childhood obesity is a serious public health issue and one of the top chronic diseases that is developing at an alarming rate in the US and globally. Managing this condition is difficult. The curre...

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Why is it necessary to have a good working knowledge of research and accurately evaluate the evidence to lead an EBP or quality project?

Research is the process of systematically gathering information to answer a question or inform decision-making. A good working knowledge of research and the ability to evaluate evidence is necessar...

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How do evidenced-based practice (EBP) projects, quality initiatives, and research studies differ?


One key difference between EBP projects, quality initiatives, and research studies is the level of rigor involved in the design and execution of the project. EBP projects involve t...

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Trends in Nursing Workforce and Nursing Education to Meet the Needs of the Profession

Trends in Nursing Workforce and Nursing Education to Meet the Needs of the Profession

The report notes that different trends will influence the over 4 million nurses in t...

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