What facilities does the USA goverment use to provent cyberbullying


The laws about speech and harassment at the federal level, individual states continues to seize the defining problem and which legal rights to take when a violation transpire. Unluckily, it took a several cases of high-profile, but also a few suicide cases to entail the issue up for attention of many states, legislatures and courts. One specific case revovled around an incidient in Missouri during year 2006, this case is known as Unites states vs Lori Drew. The incident involved Drew and her daughter creating a false identity on Myspace under the fake name ”Josh”, the defendants used the account with the intention of becoming friends with the victim. Megan Meier the 13-year-old girl who Drew’s daugther attended school with, after successively becoming friends with Meier, Drew and her daughter started sending outrages messages to her. Meier took these comments strongly and harsh and decided to commit suicide.

The district court of Missouri determined that they could not hold Drew accountable because of a lack of laws encompassing the circumstances of the case, the Missouri district court could not hold Drew directly accountable for the death of Meier. However, prosecutors on the federal level took charge by applying the Computer Fraud and Abuse act, in which a universal definition has begun to take place, though currently not recognized across all states individually.

The bigger issue is the continuous progression of technology that creates new means of harassment and bullying, and the failure of laws and policies keeping up with the quick changes. Though these issues are apparent at the federal and state level, they are avoidable for schools and communities at the local level through faster implementation of cyberbullying policies and procedures to lessen the negative effects.


The underlying cause of bullying is the socially unacceptable behavoir caused by social rejections and several underlying drivers. These main factors includes personality behavoirs, psychosocial factors for instance as social rejection, struggles to speak their mind, family issues caused by painful chilhood experiences and poor parenting. Despite all these risk factors, the cause of bullying outbalance the privilage of bullying. However, it is very important to understand the situation about bullying, because it’s a deviance that can be controlled and eliminated by the society.

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