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Bullying inflicts severe psychological trauma on victims, often leaving lasting scars. One of the primary psychological consequences of being bullied is the development of low se...
Very few of the people know about cyberbullying on social media, it can happen with anyone at any place at any time. Bullying is defined as when someone abuse other and harass othe...
Cyber-bullying can be defined as the act of individuals using ...
Bullying is a common form of violence among teenagers. The superior students dominatethe less powerful. Many times older students victimize their young peers. Payne and Denise(2004) noted that...
Certain individuals eventilates their frustations through bullying others. Prior to these actions, this could be handled differently if their actions were limitied to face-to-face interactions. In ...
The world is changing, but even more the platform of the internet. Nowdays, people use social networks with false identitys to write outrageous messages to other people. Th...
I heard that you have been wondering if you should make your school require school uniforms or not, so here are some details that may help you decide?! I...
Sleep is one of the most overlooked necessities we have. We stay up late with colleagues or labor over unfinished work wit...
We look around and see the impacts of social media, both positive and negative. Over 2.62 billion plus people use social media and it’s estimated to grow 2.77billion in 201...
“Should I skip school?” or “Should I skip this class?” is a question that has passed through many teenagers minds during boring classes such as math and h...
I grew up on the Caribbean island of St Lucia and attended school at Plain View Combined School when I was seven years old. My defective eyes and name made me an easy target at school. Both my clas...
Bullying is now a widespread problem in schools because it implicates consequences for children who bully and for victims. This issue can’t be solved without the help if pa...
Bullying is phenomenon that occurs when words or actions are repeatedly used to harm someone’s wellbeing. Flisher (2007) stated that 10% - 20% of people exposed to bullying and that effect on...