Rhetorical Analysis Of The Article ‘Cyberbullying Myths And Realities’


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Cyberbullying is a rising issue in the present society that needs a solution. Guardians, legislators, and school directors have discussed about viable solutions for a considerable length of time. Since cyberbullying commonly happens between students’ so the schools should have some obligation to resolve this issue. However, some school districts trust that they have discovered the appropriate answer in social media surveillance. In Cyberbullying myths and realities by Russell A. Sabella et al. try to identify and elucidate basic myths surrounding cyberbullying by showing research-supported realities that raise question about a segment of the reliable state of mind concerning this issue. The myths incorporated into this article were distinguished through various sources. To start with, Russell A. Sabella et al. conducted a broad survey of the accessible expert writing and broad communications productions. Second, they have heard these myths regularly proclaimed through their work with a substantial number of teachers and folks while providing discussion, training, and policy advancement in the region of cyber safety. At last, they casually studied the online network called the Embrace Civility Network.

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In this article, Russell A. Sabella et al. begin building their credibility by providing facts and reputable sources, referring to convincing facts and statistics, effectively utilizing emotional appeals. The authors first set the stage by describing a specific problem of cyberbullying which is growing with the technology and its effects upon the students. Russell A. Sabella et al. continues by discussing some of the problems associated with cyberbullying among the teens: sadness, anger, fear, frustration or embarrassment. These feelings have been connected with misconduct and relational violence among youth and grown-ups. Workable solutions to the problem, the authors suggest, educators should try to pick up and share knowledge related to recognition, aversion, response of this issue, and they must provide exact data and direction upheld by existing research to students.

Throughout the piece, Sabella et al. utilize many solid sources that reinforce their credibility and appeal to ethos. These sources include actual news headlines and stories by Education Insider (2010), McDougall (2011), Wood B. (2013) and many more. In providing a profusion of research that concurs with their findings, the authors are also adjusting themselves to officially settled works, and demonstrating their profundity of information in the issue, both of which help to develop a powerful ethos. To concrete this ethos, Sabella et al. reference different works that they conducted a research on the use and misuse of technology by middle school students from United States. By approaching past research, including their very own portion work, which backs their current investigation, the authors can frame a solid credibility and approve their findings.

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