Exploring The Causes And Effects Of Cyber-Bullying


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Cyber-bullying can be defined as the act of individuals using the internet with the help of electronic devices like smartphones, laptops, tablets, and computers to deliberately cause recurrent harm to other persons. This harm may involve embarrassing them, and these acts occur mostly on social media platforms and email accounts. Cyber-bullying occurs I different ways like continued stoking on email accounts, sexual harassment, and threats. Individuals exercising cyber-bullying have been seen to expose the targeted person's personal information like full names, addresses, and phone numbers on different websites and other forums'. In the current century, cyber bullying has increased. This mostly affects the youths who are most attached to social life. According to several studies carried concerning this issue, about 42% of the teenagers have experienced cyber bullying. With more than 25% of the youth experiencing cyber bullying a couple of times, with causes of being threatened seen to be more. Most of the teenagers who have been bullied online are not able to identify the individuals who are responsible. Cyber bullying has been seen to cause significant health problems among victims like depression, anger, paranoid, frustration, and suicidal thoughts. It remains a concern as it is hard to find the offenders because they hide their identity. Because most of them create fake social profiles, names, and email addresses intending to harass and bully people.


Revenge- Some people develops the idea of bullying others as a result of bringing victims when older siblings or parents bully an individual; they may feel offended. For them to be equal, and the perpetrators cannot have the courage to bully the people who bullied them, they use digital tools to intimidate others. Cyber bullying is turned to what happens in the real world, but now it is carried through media.

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Jealousy-When an individual may turn to be successful in their lives, this may draw the attention of the individual, and they feel frustrated to the point of becoming jealous. With this feeling, they express it by bullying others to undermine the valuable attributes of the individuals.

Lack of understanding or empathy of that causes cyber-buying; this is impacted by the personality attributes like low understanding. This causes individuals to develop a bias towards a certain race, religion, or sexual gender. People with these personalities will justify their hatred by exercising cyber-bullying.

Another cause of cyber-bullying is the desire to create attention some of the perpetrators who exercise bully activities do not consider themselves as being bullies. They have a notion that they only do that a way to tease peoples a bit to become friends or communicate with the people they are bullying. The perpetrators can attain their planned purpose only by drawing the attention of the victims. Dysfunctional families are another cause of cyber-bullying according to several studies, it has been discovered that most of the bullies originate from homes that lack openness and affection.

Finally, most perpetrators get into bullying, intending to gain control over other individuals by instilling fear. Upon instilling fear among individuals, the bullies acquire powers to control individuals; these efforts lead the perpetrators to increase their bullying exercises. Most of the bullies practice these activities to gain recognition from their peers and age groups. They believe that by bullying, they are more acknowledged even when they know that it is not ethical behaviour.


Cyber-bullying cause’s effects to the victims and also the perpetrators, the consequences may be of so many sorts, which include psychological and even mental effects.

Cyber-bullying leads the victim to increased stress, which could turn to depression in the case where there is continued exposer to bullying. Teenagers who have often experienced cyber bullying have been reported to end up suffering from depression. This stress affects their academics and works as most of the time; they are mentally disturbed, where they turn out to be socially isolated and lonely. In a study carried out in the U

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