The causes of bullying in American Schools


Bullying is a common form of violence among teenagers. The superior students dominatethe less powerful. Many times older students victimize their young peers. Payne and Denise(2004) noted that for stakeholder to solve the salient problem of bullying in American schools,

it’s essential for them to understand what causes harassment among

 teenager. Shetgiri (2017),stated that its only with this basic knowledge that the stakeholders can ultimately solve thisissues of aggressive behaviors among youths.Payne and Denise (2004) noted that several factors have contributed to the rapid hike in bullying rates in the American schools. In some occasions, students are occasional bullieswithout knowing. Both male and female students engage in school bullying, though the level oftheir engagement differs. In his study (Payne and Denise, 2004), noted that male student ofteninvolved in physical harassment and intimidation while female students engaged in the indirector verbal harassment. Despite numerous documentation addressing school bullying, only a fewstudies discussed the causal factors that led to bullying. Following are some factors that motivatesome students to bully their peers.

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