Cause and Effect of Cyber Bullying



The world is changing, but even more the platform of the internet. Nowdays, people use social networks with false identitys to write outrageous messages to other people. These actions can leed the most vulnerble people to commit suicide.

Cyberbullying has taken over the head news in the last decade, but most of all has it grown to be the most talking topic/subject in schools and communitys in other countrys. The country who has the most suicide deaths caused by cyberbullying are the USA. The growth has increased to a horrify pace in the past decade, and there is shocking evidence that the growth will continue, especially if the technology using electronic devices continues to expand. Cyberbullying has a huge impact on several of these victims mental health. There are usually underlying causes of these victims that suffers from insecuritys, anxiety and depression. In some cases, they even turn towards selfharming behaviors which envolves to having suicidal thoughts.

What is cyberbullying

The interaction between people has change, with reference how traditional bullying has develop into an issue today known as cyberbullying. Regular bullying and cyberbullying are frequently similiar, cyberbullying allows the violator to make themselves a false identity behind their electronic devices. This anonymity makes it easier for the offender to send outrages messages towards their victim’s without having to see the physical response. The distancing impact that technological devices have on youngsters is what occur them to say and do crueler things compared to what the offenders will do in a regular face-to-face bullying situation.

Cyberbullying often takes place through electronic devices, by using cellphones, computers, tablets and other devices. This sort of bullying can occur in diffirent varations. For instance, through social media, through text messages and also gaming. According to (physcologytoday) they qoute “the deliberate and repeated harm inflicted through the use of cell phones, smartphones, computers, tablets, and other electronic devices (including Wi-Fi gaming devices)”. The platform of social media made it possible for other people to take part of shared content that other people were able to inspect and participate in. The online bullying transact the offenders to send, post, or sharing negative and damaging content about someone else. Some of these cases, cyberbullying gets out of hand and makes the offender crossing the line to a criminal behavior.

Although most cyberbullying can be simply spot by children, it can develop to become more dangerous and less apparent. Advanced technology and virtual substances makes it easier to send corrupting recordings, messages, or even pictures to each other. The problem for the society are the bullies who remains anonymous to the distinct that they can hide their true identity by using diffirent screen names because the bullies exist twenty-four hours a day.

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