What are the causes of cyberbullying


Certain individuals eventilates their frustations through bullying others. Prior to these actions, this could be handled differently if their actions were limitied to face-to-face interactions. In the last years the age-old dispute has matched the haste of technological development, making it furthermore dangerous and difficult to control. The outlet of variations by technology for instance, cellphones, social media sites and chatrooms have permit bullying to increase into cyberspace. This new act of abuse is known as cyberbullying.

The request to survive is instinctual and mutual amongst all living substistance. Survival is affiliated instantly with competition on account of multitude species and limited natural resources on the planet. Forasmuch as the origin there as been an unchanging drive to out-perform others and overcome different obstacles. This survival instinct beside a competitive atmosphere has continued the same pase as the human race has evolved.

Most of the cyberbullies seek the recognition that this type of bulling sees an act of violence as an effective way to gain, because society today reflect more about negative than positive behaviors. These situations creates strong reactions from those who has been subjected by physical and mental abused, and start the bad cycle of violence that can last for a whole eternity.

Why a person choose to become a bully, is because this person has experienced an extremely traumatic situation and to comprehend the trauma, this person reacts to it with aggression and bitternes towards others. Many people incubate bullying inclinations because they understand that they handle a certain power and strive to exercise it. What lag of thinking leeds these people down this path? Is the lack of imagination or combination of aforementioned factors when looking for a way to prove their own worth.

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