There are 3 main people involved in bullying: the bully, their target, and the bystander. Frey, Hirschstein, Edstrom, and Snell (2009) said that a bully is someone who intentionally harms a person verbally or physically. Typical bullies are controlling, hot-tempered, do not appreciate others, and are aggressive towards adults. Most bullies came from a family where they lack parental guidance or have been abused physically and emotionally at home. The victim, on the other hand, has low self-esteem and is physically weak. In addition, children and adolescents with obvious physical and mental issues are more likely to be bullied in school because of their conditions. Even students who excel in academics have different cultural backgrounds and new students also experience bullying. Parents of the victims tend to overprotect their children which makes it hard for their children to make friends in school. Bystanders are the people who did not participate but have witnessed the incident of bullying. They can be part of the problem or solution to the problem. Sometimes bystanders usually do not interfere with the bullies in the fear of being the next victim because they also lack the skills to stand up for the victim. This act of violence often happens in public and private schools from elementary to high school. Places, where bullies tend to attack their victims are where there is a lack of no adult supervision like the playground where elementary students frequently experience bullying. Bullying also takes place inside the classroom during class and class breaks or when the teacher is not around. Restrooms, corridors, locker areas, and other school premises where teachers and other authorities do not usually stay are some places where students say they have been bullied. The mention of attributes such as when, where, and who is involved provides the background study toward the accumulating events of bullying, particularly in school. We are not to take this situation lightly, students are like the bystanders, instead of being a witness we must build courage and take action, to avoid the ignorance of the people, this sets a good example and is a courageous act.

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