Bullying is one of the most dangerous acts out there, but what are its causes? Bullying happens due to some circumstances such as the bully does not like the person or simply because they somewhat feel tough about it. They bully people due to multiple reasons such as jealousy, insecurity, or misunderstanding from one individual to another. These are just one of the few common factors that cause bullying within this toxic society. People judge these aspects by thinking so highly of themselves, that they forget the word respect. Some people just cannot accept that other people could be better than them in some ways. Another cause of bullying is also abuse, some bullies were abused which is why they put their anger out on others while other bullies seek attention from others which they do not get at home. These acts of bullying can affect both the bullies and the victims and some of the damages of these effects can be permanent. The effect of bullying on the victims are they are forced to skip classes due to fear, self-harming, develops eating disorder, some effects that can be crucial to their mental well-being and are social anxiety, depression, and bullying is one of the many reasons why most teens suicide while the effects for the bully are they become more violent if their acts were not tolerated in their early years and can be easily be involved in fights. While the effects on the bully include poor performance in school due to suspension of classes because of his actions, having difficulty maintaining a good relationship with others, and increased risk of substance abuse. Bullying can also have long-term effects on the bully such as ending up unemployed, at risk of abusing their spouse and children, and substance abuse. As mentioned bullying is one of the most dangerous acts out there, but why is it that millions claim that they are against bullying but are still oblivious to it? Knowledge of its effect and the reason behind why there is a bully is a wake-up call for us to take action rather than ignore it.


In conclusion. People had the choice to stop bullying but they choose to continue. There are a lot of other ways to teach not just him but also all the other bullies to teach them their lessons. But do schools do enough to prevent bullying? Bullies should be given proper sanctions by their schools. Their parents should undergo counseling to help them become more responsible parents to their children. And for the victims of bullying, do not keep the pain to yourself and be brave to speak out and as help from others do not let the fear prevent you from giving the bully the punishment they deserve. Fight the bully not the way they want you to but by defending yourself in the right way. Bystanders can also help stop bullying by standing up for the victims by reporting the incident to the authorities. Schools can conduct seminars to help students know more about bullying and programs that will protect their students from bullying. Parents could also help their children who suffer from bullying by being their support system. Parents should make their children feel that they are not alone and that they are loved. Society has more power to stop or continue bullying. This society should learn how to accept, accept that everyone is different in their unique way and nothing is wrong with that. And if this society cannot accept that, then maybe this society is a hypocrite society where awareness and ignorance are raised at the same time by the same people. 

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