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Predictive analytics moves beyond standard forecasting or estimating and is a form of data science (What is predictive analytics? The PAW resource guide, 2021). Prediction is at the center...
Disseminating evidence to stakeholders and decision makers within the organization is crucial to getting the proposed solution implemented throughout the organization. The evidence must have eviden...
DQ When reviewing the literature for your evaluation plan and different types of evidence for your project, what gaps in the findings did you encounter
The purpose of an Read More
Stakeholders are vital to the implementation process as support supplied can hinder the potential outcomes and results of the research or interventions. Two stakeholder barriers I believe I would e...
Re: Topic 7 DQ 2
The Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA) requires that patient health information is protected and secure at all times. The regula...
According to Eyler, Et. Al. (2016) by changing public policies we can effectively affect public health. I chose the current policies related to the public health achievement of motor vehicle safety...
Computed tomography (CT) lung cancer screening is still a relatively new preventative measure that can be approved and covered by health insurance. Therefore, information and communication to these...
Management and leadership are vital to the delivery of good health services. Both are similar in some aspecst but they may involve different types of outlook, skills, and behaviors. According to th...
As an informatics nurse, my target population would be pediatrics. Children have been deemed a vulnerable population in our healthcare system because they cannot consent on their own and must deal ...
One of the theories I discussed last week was Orem’s Self-care Deficit Theory. Orem’s theory promotes the idea of patient independence over self-care with the ultimate goal of overcomin...
Nola Pender’s Health Promotion Model. This model looks at the patient’s characteristics and behaviors and how nursing interventions can help adapt, add, or improve the patient’s h...
My next course of action is to explain to my classmate that his actions is considered as an act of plagiarism which is against GCU policy. Using the work of another without properly citing the sour...
From a general perspective, healthcare provision involves identifying health problems affecting the populace and developing practical intervention measures. As this happens, policies are made to st...
Cost of medication determines whether the patients will be willing to seek healthcare services from an institution or not. The goal of the quadruple Aim is to reduce the cost of education and incre...
To be frank, the human race does not have the best track record related to ethical medical research. Nazi Germany and the German medical community were very complicit in conducting inhumane, cruel ...