Part 2, Section 2: Strategies for Maintaining Integrity of Work Expand on your thoughts from Section 1 by identifying and describing strategies you intend to pursue to maintain integrity and ethics of your: Academic work as a student of the MSN program and  Professional work as a nurse throughout your career. Include a review of resources and approaches you propose to use as a student and a professional.



PART 2: Strategies for Maintaining Integrity of Work

One of the strategies that I will embrace to promote integrity and ethics in my academic work as a student of the MSN program is ensuring originality of my academic work. MSN students are expected to produce original work in undertaking their assignments and projects.

They achieve originality by acknowledging the sources of information that they use in undertaking their assignments and projects (Pandit & Gite, 2020). Students also check the originality of their work using databases such as Turnitin to ensure that it is not plagiarized. Through it, academic integrity is upheld.

The other strategy that I will adopt to ensure integrity and ethics in my academic work as a student of the MSN program is reading and understanding all the course and syllabus requirements. I will strive to understand the accepted level of academic performance that is required of the MSN students.

I will also strive to achieve to the best level of academic standards that are stated in the institution (Bultas et al., 2017). I will also ensure that I seek assistance from my course mates and instructors on the issues that I do not understand, as it pertains coursework and syllabus of the MSN program.

I will also adopt a number of strategies to ensure integrity and ethics in my professional life. One of the strategies that I will adopt is ensuring professionalism in patient care and working with other healthcare professionals. I will ensure that I demonstrate ethical behaviors such as respect, trust and honesty in working with patients and healthcare providers from different backgrounds.

I will also ensure advocate the rights of the vulnerable in my profession. The second strategy that I will employ to ensure integrity and ethics as a professional nurse is abiding with the institutional policies and regulations. Health organizations have rules, policies, and regulations that guide the behavior of the employees. Healthcare providers are expected to abide with the rules as a way of promoting safety, efficiency, and quality in patient care (Erikson & Davies, 2017). Therefore, I will behave in accordance with the developed rules and regulations as a way of promoting professionalism, ethics, and integrity in my practice.

The last strategy that I will adopt to ensure integrity and ethics in my professional life is utilizing best practices in decision-making. I will ensure that I utilize sources of evidence-based data to make sound and informed decisions on issues related to patient care. Evidence-based decision-making is important in practice, as it promotes safety, quality and efficiency in patient care. It also eliminates ethical issues in practice (Erikson & Davies, 2017). Therefore, I will work in collaboration with the other healthcare providers and patients to explore the ways in which evidence-based care and solutions can be delivered.

Overall, integrity and ethics are important for MSN students and MSN nurses. MSN students and nurses can utilize a number of tools to ensure integrity in their academics and professional lives. The tools include promoting academic honesty, understanding academic roles and requirements, and demonstrating professionalism as nurses working with patients and healthcare providers from diverse backgrounds. Therefore, MSN students and nurses should play an active role in the exploration of the effective strategies for promoting ethics and integrity in their lives.

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