Case Study Responses: 1. Analyze the case study for potential issues for members of the healthcare team from office conflict. Contrast the potential effects for each member of the healthcare team based upon the required readings from the week. Discuss the potential ethical and legal implications for each of the following practice members:

Although the NP was not the

one who failed to notify the low blood pressure, the patient's

treatment is ultimately his or her duty. The NP was put in an ethical

and legal bind as a result of this scenario. Because he/she has now

been working at this practice for almost three months and has

watched several of the clinical staff engaged in intense arguments

with each other, sometimes in the patient areas, the NP failed the

ethical norms of beneficence. The case study does not mention

whether the NP has previously addressed the difficulties, but

continuing to do so puts the NP in danger of a lawsuit for

negligence or malpractice, depending on the patient's

consequence. If something happened to the patient while the MA

and other employees were arguing, the NP might be sued for

malpractice or negligence. If patient safety is jeopardized, the NP

may be placed on probation, terminated, or potentially lose their


oMedical Director

1. The medical director must be active in the office's day-to-day

operations; thus, it is his or her responsibility to ensure that the

office runs well and that problems are resolved as soon as they

arise. Discipline, mentoring, termination, or reporting the MA to the

American Association of Medical Assistants are all responsibilities

of the medical director. Because patient safety was jeopardized, the

Medical Director could be punished with malpractice and neglect.

Because the Medical Director is in charge of the employees, they

might be punished, or the company may be audited. The Medical

Director is ultimately responsible for everyone in practice, including

patients, in ethics and law. The medical director has violated the

nonmaleficence, beneficence, and fairness ethical precepts.

Allowing the disagreement among staff to continue has harmed the

NP's to spend time with patients, slowed the flow of patients

through the office, and jeopardized patient safety. Due to

negligence or malpractice, the practice itself may face a lawsuit.


1. The event has attracted the consideration of the Practice since the

patient's safety is in doubt. The Practice employs everyone in the

practice/office; hence they are also liable for everyone's behavior.

Now the Practice must assess safety measures and train staff on

reporting potentially abnormal values to the NP and doctor. The

Practice is hosting a civility seminar for employees to promote a

safe and healthy work environment. If the matter is not handled

quickly, the Practice may be considered unsuitable. If the Practice's

patient safety is called into question, it could be shut down or

punished. To be successful, the Practice requires collaboration.

Teamwork has been recognized as an indispensable ingredient of

ethical practice, quality care, patient safety, and outcomes

(Hamid,2016). Due to the pause in diagnosing and treating low

blood pressure, the clinic may have been charged with malpractice.

Employees' negligence could also be attributed to the Practice

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