. Analyze the case study for potential issues for members of the healthcare team from office conflict. Contrast the potential effects for each member of the healthcare team based upon the required readings from the week. Discuss the potential ethical and legal implications for each of the following practice members: oMedical assistant oNurse Practitioner oMedical Director oPractice 2. What strategies would you implement to prevent further episodes of potentially dangerous patient outcomes? 3. What leadership qualities would you apply to effect positive change in the practice? Focus on the culture of the practice



The nurse practitioner (NP) is responsible for patient care and is the first line of advocacy

for the patients. In this scenario, the nurse practitioner saw several heated arguments in patient

areas. Therefore, the NP has an ethical responsibility to confront her coworker’s behavior and

report the behavior if it has not been resolved or stopped. Allowing this behavior to continue

could involve the nurse practitioner in ethical and legal implications of malpractice or neglect.

Even though the nurse practitioner was not the one that had the responsibility to report the low

vital sign, it is the NP’s responsibility to check on their patients frequently. In addition, by being

a patient advocate, it is essential for the NP to make sure the patient’s environment is safe and

free from unneeded outside drama.

The medical director is responsible for everyone in the clinical practice. Therefore, the

medical director is ethically and legally responsible for the implications done by everyone

working in the clinical practice in addition to the patients and families that come into the

healthcare facility. The medical director could face legal implications if the patient or the

patient’s family decides to pursue legal actions. In addition, the medical director could face

termination because if the medical director lets this conduct continue then that could hinder the

reputation of the practice and the safety of the patients.

The practice needs to change the way it is conducted. It is great that the clinical practice

has employees that have worked together for so many years, but that also causes too much

comfort. Where the employees focus more on themselves and their personal lives rather than the

patient’s safety, and outcome. When an employee goes to work, they should feel supported by

the coworkers they are surrounded by; however, their personal life should not trump a crucial

vital sign. A patient should feel like the priority regardless of the number of patients the

healthcare professional has; therefore, if the patient overhears an argument that can lead to a

negative impression. This can lead to a bad reputation for the clinical practice and potentially

lead to a malpractice suit. The patient with the low blood pressure could have had additional

symptoms that could have been identified early if the information was relayed properly and

efficiently. This could have caused the practice to lose its license or cause potential patients to

not come to the practice

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