Explanation for The Relationship Between Academic Integrity and Writing

Academic integrity is the moral code or ethical policy of academia. Although there has

been much discussion about what exactly falls under the umbrella of academic integrity and how

to measure and encourage it in the academic aspect, there is no codified definition that is widely

acknowledged (Jamieson & Howard, 2019b). My definition of academic integrity means

performing in a way that is truthful, responsible, just, and civil in one’s studies and academic

work. It also means applying these values when engaging with the work and contributions of

others. Giving credit to academic works that have been used as a source during the presentation

of one's idea entails accepting responsibility and acting honestly when writing and submitting

original work.

The Relationship Between Professional Practices and Scholarly Ethics

Scholarly ethics and professional practices are a mutual and beneficial relationship. They

both build off each other to provide the best and most efficient practice. Scholarly ethics provide

the moral framework that directs the actions, while professional practices provide the

instruments and methods that enable experts to conduct their research with integrity. An

individual with strong scholarly ethics is likely to have expert skills that can be used in medical

and professional practices. The way that professionals conduct themselves in their work is

guided by the principles of scholarly ethics.

How Grammarly, Turnitin, and paraphrasing contributes to academic integrity

By checking for plagiarism in papers and using citation appropriately, individuals can

maintain their academic integrity. Students and professionals use other individuals research work

to validate their work. Turnitin is a plagiarism-detection website that academic institutions use to

foster academic integrity by examining papers for plagiarism (Turnitin, n.d.). Grammarly is a

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