Module 2 | Part 2: Strategies to Promote Academic Integrity and Professional Ethics Part 1: Writing Sample: The Connection Between Academic and Professional Integrity

Academic integrity and writing are closely related to one another. Academic integrity refers to moral principles of decency, courtesy, accountability, and justice in the academic setting (Holden et al., 2021). It guarantees that pupils come up with their ideas and appreciate the written works of others. The constant writing and submission of assignments, papers, and projects for marking characterize a student's academic life. Writing protects academic integrity as defined by the college's code of ethics. Therefore, it is more than just writing. It indicates that honesty and academic writing go hand in hand. Moreover, academic integrity is related to writing since it encourages the creation of original writing. The necessity that researchers and students be important encourages innovation and the emergence of fresh written ideas that lead to new information for tackling challenges in the real world. The academic discipline's members would rewrite already published material without contributing anything new. Academic integrity is a significant factor in the development of fresh written ideas. Also, there is a link between scholarly ethics and professional behaviors. Professional practices relate to behavior by professional norms, whereas academic ethics are laws that govern behavior in a framework of knowledge (Agunloye et al., 2019). Academic community members are expected to respect scholarly ethics in their professional activity, and here is where the interaction arises. Paraphrasing, Safe Assign, and Grammarly all contribute to academic honesty in this regard. According to Guerrero-Dib et al. (2020), academic integrity encompasses

thorough and high-quality work in addition to preserving honesty. By eradicating grammar errors, Grammarly and paraphrase help writers produce comprehensive, high-quality content. Secure Assign and other plagiarism detectors support academic integrity by avoiding plagiarized work and appropriating credit without acknowledging authors

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