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How do you feel about the Sustainable Development Goals (SDG) initiatives? Discuss ways a community nurse can help with the goals.

How do you feel about the Sustainable Development Goals (SDG) initiatives? Discuss ways a community nurse can help with the goals.

Comment 1...

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Compare the various types of ANOVA by discussing when each is most appropriate for use. Include specific examples to illustrate the appropriate use of each test and how interaction is assessed using ANOVA.

The ANOVA, also known as analysis of variance, is a statistical method used to test if the results of a survey are significant or not. In other terms, the test is meant to determine wheth...

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QUESTION-Compare the various types of ANOVA by discussing when each is most appropriate for use. Include specific examples to illustrate the appropriate use of each test and how interaction is assessed using ANOVA.

Analysis of Variance- ANOVA

Hello, thank you for giving me this opportunity to respond to your post. I gladly appreciate you taking your time to contribute to the Analysi...

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t-Test and ANOVA Testing- Classmate Response (2): Topic 5 DQ 1 QUESTION-Compare the various types of ANOVA by discussing when each is most appropriate for use. Include specific examples to illustrate the appropriate use of each test and how interaction is assessed using ANOVA.

A one-way ANOVA compares the means of two or more group means to see if these means are statistically different. This test is considered a parametric test. This type of testing is used to test...

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Given the limited amount of statistical calculations required by some public health positions, explain why it is important for you to know how to utilize appropriate software to analyze public health data. Support your ideas with reasons, facts, and examples.

Utilizing Appropriate Software to Analyze Public Health Data

Public health relies on data to make decisions that will make a difference in the lives of the people. The presence of detaile...

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QUESTION-TOPIC 7 DQ 1 Describe three methods for qualitative data collection and discuss an example of when each method would be used.

Data Collection Methods

Data collection methods are essential parts of research. If data are collected using the wrong method, there will be an inconclusive impact on the...

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Applied Analysis-Public Health Nurse- Classmate Response (2): Topic 6 DQ 1

Technology and ways to track data are becoming an increasingly important in public health. One reason is because it improves responses to urgent public health events including outbreaks of diseases...

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Topic 2: Topic 2: Discuss how the use of health information (HI) technology has influenced your current nursing practice. Give examples. Comment 1: (Lorraine)


The nursing profession is rapidly changing to keep up with advancements and new challenges in the healthcare field. As direct caregivers, nurses are in the front l...

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Topic 1: Topic 1: Do you feel that nurses believe that there are ethical concerns related to nursing informatics?

While the adoption of electronic health record (EHR) systems promises a number of substantial benefits, including better care and decreased healthcare costs, serious unintended consequences from th...

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Research Paper – Financial Health Problem Analysis Topic Identify a patient care problem with an impact on budget as a financial management issue in a hospital organization

Financial Health Problem Analysis

Healthcare is a demanding service to the patients, which is highly focused on the quality, health, wellbeing of the patient clients. The care programs ar...

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QUESTION- Describe three methods for qualitative data collection and discuss an example of when each method would be used.

Classmate(Chayah’s) Response -There are multiple methods that researchers use to collect data during a qualitative study. One is research interviews. These can be structured, semi structured ...

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BSN Program NRS 490 Scholarly Activity

My research focus was on advocacy and activism, particularly to highlight and address the health needs of vulnerable groups who are typically overlooked during health policy development and impleme...

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