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Developing leadership philosophies is an essential aspect of effective leaders and leadership. Such philosophies are key to helping suc...
Leadership is the art of motivating people to act towards achieving a common goal. It entails persuading and influen...
While in college, I was involved in multiple associations and help leadership roles, and I have done the StrengthsFinder assessment many times. The “signature themes report presents your five...
Brief Description of Results from the StrengthsFinder Assessment
One thing the strenthsfinder assessment has done is describing me perfectly. This on-line survey has iden...
PICOT Question: In acute care inpatients (P), does hand hygiene (I) compared to no intervention (C) reduce the rate of hospital acquired infections (O) within 6 months? (T)
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Nursing Education : The IOM report reflects evidence that education level of nurses affects health care delivery and outcomes, hence the IOM commit...
Health Behavior Data Set
Health Behavior Data set is a collection of data entailing information on the decision that can either improve or risk the wellbeing of an indivi...
Statistics are techniques used to summarize data in order to answer questions. Statistical techniques were developed because humans are limited information processors(Core 2016). Statistics is an e...
Research one or two specific ways artificial intelligence could be used to improve health care.
Several industries have been transformed by the use of artificial intellig...
Reasons for watching the video
I chose to watch the video related to Orem’s Theory because the theory relates significantly to my nursing perspective. I believe tha...
Topic 2 DQ 1 – Classmate (Samantha) There are different types of graphs that shows frequency. It would depend on. The numbers that would indicate what graph needs to be used. Choosing which g...
Nursing Assignment
The Sigma Nursing organization supports nursing leadership through various efforts, including providing an opportunity...
´The community health assessment conducted in Mesa County was a successful endeavor.
Pressure ulcers result from prolonged pressure on some pressure areas, such as elbows, heels, and the back of the head. The ulcers/injuries result from prolonged pressure on ...
The problem of interest is pressure ulcers among elderly and critically ill patients. Pressure ulcers are injuries to pressure areas caused by prol...
Admission of patients into the intensive care unit (ICU)...
This week, I spent some time with my preceptor to discuss the role of technology in improving...
The proposed capstone intervention aims at surgery nurses through the development of relaxation measures ...
The 1978 Alma-Ata Declaration highlighted primary healthcare as the key to achieving the aim of Health for All. The following are the key issues that emerged from the declarati...