Scenario 2: A diabetic patient misses several follow-up appointments. Hypothesis: In patients with type 2 diabetes, does the use of an educational diabetic phone app improve compliance with appointments, diet, and medication regimens? Hypothesis: Do patients with type 2 diabetes with a low economic status miss more follow-up appointments than patients with type 2 diabetes with a high economic status?

Scenario 2- Hypothesis 2: Do patients with type 2 diabetes with a low economic status miss more follow-up appointments than patients with type 2 diabetes with high economic status?
My personal assumptions about this hypothesis is that those with lower economic status may miss more follow up appointments due to the fact that they are not able to afford there appointments or even their medications.

This may lead to embarrassment and not wanting to follow up with the doctor as they have not been following the plan of care that was given to them. According to Orem’s self care theory nurses must allow patients to care for themselves as much as possible. Patients beliefs about medical care are often driven by what they learn in their environment. If you grow up in a higher economic family that always goes to their checkups and doctor appointments you are likely to continue on that path. If you grow up in a poor family that doesn’t go to the doctor unless you have to, they you are also likely to continue this pattern.

According to Orem’s theory, “which is the practice of activities that an individual initiates and performs on his or her own behalf to maintain life, health, and well-being; self-care agency, which is a human ability that is “the ability for engaging in self-care,” conditioned by age, developmental state, life experience, socio-cultural orientation, health, and available resources; therapeutic self-care demand”. (2020, July 19) As you can see social-cultural orientation and available resources affects ones ability to care for oneself. If one lacks resources such as money they may not take care of such things as follow up appointments.

Orem’s self-care deficit nursing theory. Nursing Theory. (2020, July 19). Retrieved November 9, 2021, from

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