What worries you the most about becoming a nurse? What are things you can do diminish your worries? What can we help you with? What do you think you can do to diminish your worries? What can we help you with? What do you think just needs a little time?




What worries me most about becoming a nurse is working in healthcare facilities that are significantly understaffed and not receiving adequate compensation for extra work. This is because as the population in the US has continued to age, the demand for health care services has kept rising over the years. An elderly population is, therefore, more susceptible to lifestyle conditions that require consistent health care services. The high demand for health care services in the US has therefore not been matched with the production of an adequate healthcare workforce. A lot of healthcare facilities in the US are significantly understaffed, which results in nurses being assigned significant workloads and being required to work extra hours with no compensation. The significant workloads assigned to nurses also contribute to the challenge of nurse burnout. My main worry about becoming a nurse is experiencing burnout after only a few years of my career. It is likely that I can get a job in a healthcare facility that is significantly understaffed and be required to work extra hours. Such a scenario can affect my life-work balance and eventually contribute significantly to burnout.

One of the things I can do to diminish my worries related to nurse burnout when I get employed is to research the healthcare facilities I intend to work for.  Taking time to research the healthcare facilities before applying for a nursing position can therefore help me to determine the current nursing staff ratios in such facilities and avoid applying for a job in significantly understaffed facilities. I can also diminish my worries by being actively involved in advocacy targeting various authorities to try and increase the number of nurse practitioners being trained in education facilities.



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