PHN 652-Classmate Catherine-Response (3): Evidence-Based Practice In Public Health

Societies have the potential to help achieve a significant reduction in the prevalence of the most common and costly behavioral and psychological problems that develop in childhood and adolescence—if they can implement evidence-based practices widely and effectively. Putting it more positively, we could assure that many more young people reach adulthood with the skills and interests needed to become productive and caring adults who contribute to the wellbeing of others (Biglan,2008).The impact of evidence-based practice (EBP) has echoed across nursing practice, education, and science. The call for evidence-based quality improvement and healthcare transformation underscores the need for redesigning care that is effective, safe, and efficient. In line with multiple direction-setting recommendations from national experts, nurses have responded to launch initiatives that maximize the valuable contributions that nurses have made, can make, and will make, to fully deliver on the promise of EBP. Such initiatives include practice adoption; education and curricular realignment; model and theory development; scientific engagement in the new fields of research; and development of a national research network to study improvement.

Public health nurses are part public health specialist and part healthcare provider. Their role is to improve the overall health of a larger population. To do this, they help develop, initiate, and manage public health programs, advocate for public health policies, educate the community on important health matters, and provide direct healthcare to individuals in need.


-When you’re trying to improve the health of a community, there’s a lot of room for new ideas and initiatives. Public health nurses often have the opportunity to come up with new methods of communication, new messages, and new programs designed to improve the community’s health. This makes community health nursing a great fit if you’re creative and enjoy developing new solutions.


-The disadvantage to this type of practice is it takes an extended period of time to gather data before it can be applied. Overall EBP is the best type of research for healthcare professionals.

-The disadvantage of the evolution of evidence based practice are the effects that evidence based practice has on lower income communities that have traditionally suffered from fewer resources, poor community health, and increased workload.

-In both rural and impoverished urban communities, health resources are often scarce. The community itself may lack funds and nonprofits and public health departments do not typically have expansive budgets. This can leave you facing a number of challenges as a pubic health nurse.


Biglan, A., & Ogden, T. (2008). The Evolution of Evidence-based Practices. European journal of behavior analysis, 9(1), 81–95.

What is evidence-based practice in nursing? University of Maine Fort Kent Online. (2020, September 2). Retrieved November 7, 2021, from


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