Section 3: Procedural Risks
Many patients are vulnerable and a considered to be at risk populations with complex cardiac problems and multiple comorbidities. These patients bring special ‘risk’ to any procedural intervention. These risk factors are then compounded by the clinical environment, the potential for the use of medications and anaesthetics, their physical condition of the patient and the reason they are undergoing a particular surgical intervention or procedure. Then you add the trauma due to the procedure itself and then you can start to picture why there are some patients who are at higher risks than others.
Patients experiencing AMI require coronary artery reperfusion. Surgically, this can be obtained through cardiac catheterisation (percutaneous coronary interventions) or coronary artery bypass grafting (CABG).
In this section of your assessment, you are to compare both methods of coronary reperfusion and discuss two potential complications of each (Four in total). In your answer, you are to discuss the cause for your chosen complications and a brief description of how these complications would be assessed and managed, with a stronger focus on the nursing aspects of this management.