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Theoretical frameworks helps to connect the researcher to existing knowledge regarding a given topic. Reflecting on your role as a professional nurse and change processes that you have participated...
One Specific Topic that was discussed at the Meeting and an Explanation of the Committee Process
One of the specific topics that were addressed in the public policy meeti...
Public Health Models
Hello, thank you for this opportunity to respond to your post. I want to thank you for taking the time to contribute to this post. I will only add a ...
Public health models can be important in delivering quality care for many reasons. These models can enrich current public health programs and help with identifications of areas of need. Models...
Data Collection Methods
Data collection methods are essential in creating a general flow of research. The methodology and approaches used determine how the information co...
Data Collection Methods
Data collection methods are essential in research. The data collection methods act as directives for researchers to know how and when the collecte...
There are numerous models aimed at changing the structure of a specific system or delivery of services. As a result, one needs to be aware of what the model is targeting in order to attain the best...
Policy Implementation
The Alzheimer’s Caregiver Support Act in the 117th Congress on March 1, 2021, by Ms. Waters. The bill aimed at authorizing grants for training and support...
Section 3: Procedural Risks
Many patients are vulnerable and a considered to be at risk populations with complex cardiac problems and multiple comorbidities. These patients bring special ...
Controversy Regarding Dissociative Disorders Dissociative disorders (DD) are mental health disorders, such as dissociative identity disorder (DID), dissociative amnesia, or depolarization/derealiza...
The name “Dissociative Disorders” is a common umbrella term in the 5th edition of the Diagnostic and Statistical Manu...
An example of a non-experimental research design that could be used to drive change in nursing practice could be to ask, “Do patients prefer telehealth appointments to speak to their physicia...
Quantitative research collects and analyzes numerical data. It evaluates a predetermined research question. It is a way to learn about a particular group of people (sam...
Positon Paper In Opposition To Vaccine Passports
As the Covid 19 pandemic has continued, there has been a significant desire among populations for normalcy to r...
What worries me most about becoming a nurse is working in healthcare facilities that are significantly understaffed a...
Compare and Contrast Quantitative Versus Qualitative Research Designs
During the collection and analysis of data, two main approaches are utilized, which include the quan...
Community Health Needs Assessment
Community health needs assessment has a more significant impact on the healthcare sector. The assess...
Part 2: Development Plan
My development plan from assessing the incident above will equip me with the skills necessary for more effective handling of such incidences. Thi...
Personal effectiveness for professional practice
This study is a reflection of my experiences working as a student nurse at a medium-s...