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Musculoskeletal pain is a common phenomenon of which nearly everyone has to experience at a given point in their lives. There are different causes of musculoskeletal pain, but the most common cause...
Special Examinations-Breast, Genital, Prostate, and Rectal
Student’s Name:
Institutional Affiliation:
Additional Subjective Dat...
Chief complaint: She states, I have a drooping on the right side of my face
HPI: G.M is a 33-year-old African American woman who presents in the clinic c...
Lab Assignment: Ethical Concerns
Scenario number 7
Information need to be obtained about the patient through health
assessments and diagnostic tests
Patient wishing for hospice care experienced less e...
Health Assessment Information
For the 49 -year -old patient with advanced cancer admitted with a cardiac arrest; an adequate health assessment would be required to make an adequate diagno...
The primary purpose of building health history is to gather subjective information from the patient or the patient’s family so that the patient and the healthcare team can develop a collabora...
Patient Information:
Initials: GM Age: 33 y.o Sex: Female Race: African American
Group therapy techniques demonstrated
The group therapy that has been selected in this discussion is the one on role-playing as presented by Henson (2017). In the role play, there is an u...
There are many reasons why qualitative research sources are important in the research process. Perhaps the most obvious reason is that they provide a wealth of i...
The use of a business information system is critical in that it will allow for various activities to be carried out. In many instances, the systems are customized in such a...
Refection- After the Fact
Riis’s photos were not taken to be artistic in any means or way but he was able to show the lifestyle that the families are li...
Application of Theoretical Concepts to Research
Theories are largely applied in nursing practice to help in the process of provision of patie...
Comprehensive Assessment of Mood Disorder To establish an appropriate treatment plan, a complete client evaluation is necessary and may be carried out during the initial sitting (Wheeler, 2014). It...
Mental Status Examination: The patient is a 7-year-old Caucasian male who appears his age. He is cooperative during the session though appears restless and ...
CC (chief complaint): I am faced with an excessive amount of pain and I cannot find anyone to help in managing the pain”
Family Assessment and Psychotherapeutic Approaches Historian:Mother and daughter (Self) Language:English Name: Non- listed Gender: Both female (mother and daughter) Age:40 years old and 23 years ol...
The group therapy that has been demonstrated is that of “Interpe...
The interpersonal technique has been shown to use a psychodynamic approach to help in change-facilitation. One aspect of this strategy is that it considers a person’s subconscious beliefs...