What three or four teacher dispositions do you think are needed for teachers who work with students with disabilities? As a future teacher, how will you apply these dispositions in your classroom? Explain your choices.


The three or four dispositions I decided on when working with students with disabilities are,

respect for the diversity of others, compassion, dedication, and advocacy. I feel this four are

very important when with working with students who face challenges.

As educators we have to respect how each student learns. We need to make each student feel

important no matter what disability they have, whether it is physical or learning. However, a

disability is not an excuse for a student to show bad behavior. An educator must not tolerate

inappropriate behavior from any student disability or not.

Educators have to have compassion for all students. Showing students that an educator cares

could mean everything to that student. When students see that you care about them

academically and socially they are likely to work harder and act better.

Educators need to be dedicated to both their profession and their students. When students see

their teachers being lifelong learners, they may want to do the same. When you are dedicated

you are always looking for ways to benefit yourself as a teacher and learning within your


Educators need to be advocates for their students. The welfare of students should be one of the

most important things for an educator. When an educator takes the time to understand student

issues and concerns they can help come up with ways to find solutions.

I will apply these dispositions in my classroom by showing respect for students with all types of

diversity. Every student needs to be respected no matter if they have a disability or not. I will

show compassion to all my students by always letting them know they can come talk to me

about anything. Letting them know they are important in my classroom. I will be dedicated to

my students by being in the classroom on time and helping them with their studies when they

are struggling. I will be an advocate for students by trying to make sure they have the same

opportunities as every other student. Just because you have a disability or live on the wrong

side of town should not hinder you as a student to get the same education as everyone else

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