What types of technology might be used for whole group instruction, small group instruction, and independent work time, in order to meet the needs of all students in the classroom? Consider technology educators already use, as well as other technologies that might be appropriate.


For whole group instruction the technology that could be used is a computer and smartboard.

The teacher can use TeacherTube, which is the education version of YouTube. Podcast could be

used to listen to interviews from authors who’s book the class might be getting ready to read.

Show multimedia elements like graphs, images, and short video lessons that go with the lesson

being taught. Teachers can also use Exit Tickets for the whole group to be able to exit the class.

For small group instruction, technology could be used setting up learning stations. One station

could have a computer set up with a game set up relevant to the class content. Another station

could have a voice recorder where the students record their thoughts or ideas on the lesson

being learned.

For independent group instruction, computers could be used for research on a project relating

to the lesson. Teachers could give online activities for students who finish early. Calculators can

be used to solve difficult math problems

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