Topic 2 DQ 1 Identify and describe one effective strategy to de-escalate a student’s acting out behavior within the inclusive classroom. How can you provide positive behavior supports to the student to prevent unwanted behavior and increase desired behaviors in school settings?


The effective strategy I would use to de-escalate a student's acting out would be identify points

of agreement. By using this strategy, you can build a rapport with the student. Which could be

very helpful with future behavioral issues. While you need to maintain your professional

integrity, you should not agree with the student when you actually disagree. For example: If a

student gets upset because they have lost their homework you could say, I understand why you

are upset, I would be upset too losing my homework. However, you can re-do it and this time it

will not be counted as late. Maybe you should get a folder to put your homework in, so this

does not happen again.

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