GCU believes in carrying out our work within the public arena with compassion, justice, and concern for the common good. Using material from this topic’s readings and additional research of your own, describe three ways you can, as a general education or special education teacher, demonstrate compassion, justice and concern with parents or other IEP team members. Rationalize your choices.


One way to make sure you demonstrate compassion, justice and concern is by viewing the

parent as an equal partner and share information. Schools make parents feel they are getting in

the way of educating their children. Parents often feel like their opinion does not matter when

in an IEP meeting. This is an emotional experience for the parent, so creating an environment

where they feel they are valued can lead to student success.

Another way is to be flexible and think creatively. Sometimes thinking outside of the box will

help the parent and student tremendously. Schools need to make this process easy for parents.

One way is to maybe introduce a parent to another parent who has a child with a learning

disability. This way they parent can relate and help the other parent navigate through the IEP


Always advocate for the student. When you feel other IEP team members not working in the

best interest of the student you should advocate. You may have to have the special education

teacher look into if the IEP is being implemented properly by other teachers. Some times

teachers will not change their lesson plans to accommodate the student's IEP. It is your job to

make sure the student is getting all the services they need.

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