
Sample Papers

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NURS 8201 Week 1 Introduction and Experience With Research

When I think of the word “research” in the field of nursing, what initially comes to mind is determining what some of the best nursing practices available are and if they are effective ...

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NR394 Week 5 Reflection on Cultural Perspective SOLVED Conclusion

Cultural changes in children are determined by the guidance and teachings given to them when growing by the community and medical professionals regarding any procedure. Circumcision is nowadays pra...

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NR394 Week 5 Reflection on Cultural Perspective SOLVED Reflection Question

Much of our culture comes from what we learn as children. However, culture continues to influence our norms throughout our lives. Reflect on the learning that you had as a child and your lived expe...

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NR 505 Week 5: Data Collection

Thank you for your insight on formulating questions for my qualitative research.

For this week’s professor response, I have chosen to discuss the interview questions and whether the...

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Identification of the Nursing Concern to be Improved

As an LTC nurse, I am familiar with the issues associated with residents/patients falling and fracturing bones, especially their hips. Falling is a painful and humiliating experience, especially fo...

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NR 505 Week 2: Refinement of a Nursing Concern into an Evidence-based Practice Proposal Using the Research Process

Research is typically conducted to explore and discover new knowledge or to validate existing information about a specific subject. Specifically, nursing research is form of scientific investigatio...

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NR 501 Week 6: Impact of Nursing Theory Upon Healthcare Organization

Dr. Imogene King developed the Goal Attainment Theory to explain the interpersonal relationship systems in which people develop and progress through life to achieve personal life goals (Schub, 2016...

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NR 503 Week 5: Infectious Disease Paper

Infectious Disease Paper

Epidemiological studies help in determining the prevalence of given health issues, the distribution, and the risk factors. The epidemiological tr...

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NR 503 Week 5: Infectious Disease Paper

Tuberculosis (TB) is a contagious, life-threatening infectious disease that primarily affects the lungs and is caused by the mycobacterium germ (Delogu, Sali, and Fadda, 2013). General symptoms are...

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NR 501 Week 5 Borrowed (non-nursing) Theories Applied to the Nursing Profession

NR 501 Week 5 Borrowed (non-nursing) Theories Applied to the Nursing Profession

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NR 501 Week 5 Borrowed (non-nursing) Theories Applied to the Nursing Profession

Theories are the framework of nursing. Although some were meant for other disciplines, they are very useful in clinical nursing practice. These non-nursing theories along with nursing theories inco...

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How do you envision using the AACN essentials and information learned in this course to identify, guide, and evaluate your practicum project?

I envision using the information I learned in this course along with the AACN essentials key to identify, guide, and evaluate my practicum project essential for a successful outcome. From my perspe...

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