Describe four cardiovascular conditions that may lead to heart failure and what can be done in the form of medical/nursing interventions to prevent the development of heart failure in each condition

Cardiovascular Conditions Leading to Heart Failure and Preventative Nursing Interventions

There are multiple cardiovascular conditions that might be the triggers of predecessors of heart failure. Firstly, coronary heart disease, which is characterized by dysfunction of heart arteries, complicating the flow of blood rich in oxygen (“Heart failure,” 2021).

To prevent heart failure in the aftermath of coronary heart disease, a healthy lifestyle, regular medications, or even surgery might be appropriate. Secondly, heart inflammation is a condition that is characterized by inflammatory processes in different parts of the heart and might lead to heart failure (“Heart failure,” 2021). To prevent it, patients with heart inflammation should ensure timely diagnosis, procedural and medication-based treatment, or surgery. Thirdly, high blood pressure is another cardiovascular condition that might lead to heart failure (“Heart failure,” 2021).

To prevent it from deteriorating heart functioning, proper dieting to regulate possible body mass excess and physical activity, as well as medications, should be prioritized. Fourthly, cardiomyopathy, or the inability of the heart to deliver blood to all body parts, should be addressed by healthy dieting, medication intake, physical activity, and minimization of substance use to prevent heart failure (“Heart failure,” 2021).


Nursing Interventions Addressing Multiple Drug Interactions

As in the case of Mrs. J., the intake of several medications requires adequate nursing interventions that would minimize the risks of complications, hospitalization, and drug incompatibility. Firstly, a nurse should verify a patient’s understanding of the regimen of prescribed drugs (Azhagesan, 2017). Secondly, the information-related intervention should be implemented to provide the patient with an accurate list of all medications and the regimen of their intake, provide contacts of medical providers, and the phone number of local pharmacies.

Thirdly, educational or instructional interventions should include teaching the patient what medications are addressing her conditions and in which way, as well as their possible side effects and the risks of not taking the medications as directed (Azhagesan, 2017). Fourthly, interventions aimed at organizations include directions to dispose of old medications on time, store drugs in a specific place or refrigerator if needed, and avoid sharing medications (Azhagesan, 2017). These nursing interventions will ensure patients’ understanding of the importance of managing polypharmacy properly and prevent adverse outcomes.

Health Promotion and Restoration Teaching Plan

A health promotion plan for Mr. J. should include the following:

  • smoking cessation;
  • moderate daily physical activity;
  • take medications regularly;
  • stick to a healthy diet;
  • attend to scheduled follow-up physician appointments;
  • install and use health care applications to monitor heart rate and blood pressure;
  • use online and handout resources with information on heart failure and COPD management.

The rehabilitation resources, including online materials and applications on Mrs. J.’s condition, will help her manage and modify her daily routine according to the guidelines obtained from the resources. In such a manner, the patient will have an opportunity to receive answers to her questions independently and avoid complications.


Education Method Regarding Medications

The method of education for Mrs. J. to improve her self-management and medication intake after hospitalization should be verbal education through one-on-one communication (“Choosing effective patient education materials,” 2021). According to this method, the information is delivered to the patient verbally with the opportunity to answer Mrs. J.’s questions and ensure her comprehension. The rationale for this method is based on the severity of Mrs. J.’s chronic conditions and the necessity to ensure that she comprehends possible outcomes of improper medication intake.

COPD Triggers and Smoking Cessation Options

The triggers that should be avoided include household dust and fumes from cooking or cleaning products (“COPD signs and symptoms,” 2019). Also, Mrs. J. should avoid catching a cold or pneumonia and exposure to polluted air or a cold environment. Finally, the most significant issue in Mrs. J.’s case is smoking cessation that should be prioritized to avoid repeated hospitalization with COPD. To assist the patient with the smoking cessation procedure, a nurse might introduce nicotine patches and behavioral therapy; however, medications are not recommended since the patient i

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