Research emerging trends. Predict two ways in which the practice of nursing and nursing roles will grow or transform within the next five years to respond to upcoming trends or predicted issues in health care. Health Care Delivery Models and Nursing Practice

Professional Nursing Leadership and Management Roles

The scope of nursing practice and professional roles changes gradually. In nursing leadership and management, health care leaders and managers are currently obligated to lead change in practice settings. This role typifies serving as change agents where nurse leaders identify practice problems, develop appropriate interventions, and lead the implementation process. The other critical role for nurse leaders and managers in the evolving practice is knowledge work. The role of a knowledge worker is characterized by gathering information and interpreting it systematically for improved health outcomes (McGonigle & Mastrian, 2021). These roles are pivotal in effective responses to emerging trends since they improve leaders’ readiness and responsiveness to change. For instance, change agents promote a culture of change to ensure organizations have the appropriate climate and resources for supporting new practices. As knowledge workers, nurse leaders use their theoretical and analytical knowledge to identify health care patterns and respond appropriately. Since each role encourages quality improvement and practice change, there is a higher chance of improved patient safety and high-quality care after implementing innovative practices.

Emerging Trends and Nursing Transformation

Nursing is an evolutionary practice that evolves progressively to address current and emerging patient care demands. Concerning emerging trends, increased use of technologies, such as artificial intelligence and telehealth, a nursing shortage, and the adoption of value-based practice dominate nursing. In response, nursing practice and roles must transform to respond to the upcoming trends effectively. One of the possible ways that nursing will transform in the next five years is an increased inclination toward technology-driven and data-driven practices. Currently, data analytics allow health care professionals to identify trends to provide the most possible patient-centered care (Batko & Ślęzak, 2022). Over time, there will be more use of artificial intelligence and remote patient care to ensure people in rural and remote locations are diagnosed and treated timely and cost-effectively. The other potential transformation of nursing is a team-based practice in health care settings. Teamwork promotes interprofessional collaboration, which will allow nurse practitioners to achieve the goals of value-based care.


Health care delivery models affect how nurses work, practice goals, and care processes. Federal regulations and health care laws continue to influence care delivery models, and more changes are expected in the future. In the current practice, federal regulations through the CMS have allowed more use of telehealth services by authorizing waivers. As technology evolves, nursing practice is expected to be more data-driven and technology-centered. Effective adoption of tech-based services requires organizations to invest in robust technological infrastructure to support innovative practices.


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