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Access to mental health care among Americans in rural areas remains a critical challenge due to several barriers. Reports show that 1 in 25 Americans has a serious mental illness (SMI) in any year ...
Professional development is a concept for career-based nurses. In professional development, nurses take the steps necessary to advance their practice through education, volunteering, net...
The correct identification and use of research is essential in achieving successful outcomes in nursing practice. The capability to obtain data and appraise the peer-reviewed articles appropriately...
The patient’s subjective findings include fever, nausea, productive cough, malaise, inability to perform ADLs, anxiety, palpita...
Mrs. J. is a 63-year-old married woman who has a history of hypertension, chronic he...
As Mrs. J.’s case description demonstrates, the patient was admitted to the hospital with flu-like symptoms. The clinical manifestation ...
Cardiorespiratory complexities include a wide range of disorders affecting the cardiovascular and respiratory systems. They commonly occur in elderly patients due to cardiac and lung physiologic fu...
Nursing interventions may include conducting a patient assessment to identify the drug side effects a patient reports and identifying the drug interaction that could be causing the side effects (Ca...
The case scenario concerns Mrs. J., a 63-year-old female with hypertension, chronic heart failure, and COPD. She usually uses 2L of oxyge...
Based on the presenting clinical manifestations, it is likely that Mr. M suffers from Alzheimer considering that he has Read More
Health History
Mr. M., a 70-year-old male, has been living at the assisted living facility where you work. He has no know allergies. He is a nonsmoker and does not use al...
Possible Emotional, Psychological and Physical Effects on the Patient and The Family
The Read More
Read “Social Media,” located on the American Nurses Association website.
Social media has become an essential tool in different aspects of life; both professional and personal...
Federal law defines and reinforces privacy through the HIPAA. This legislation requires medical professionals to protect patient confidentiality and privacy. It defines individua...