DNP-815A Topic 2 DQ 2 What are the key concepts and components of the nursing theory that you selected and how are they defined?



Orem in her self-care deficit nursing theory defined self-care as the practice of activities that individuals initiate and perform on their own behalf in maintaining life, health, and well-being. (Hartweg & Metcalfe,2022) .Throughout five decades, Orem refined the description of nursing for this purpose to empower patients and their families to care for themselves .

The self-care deficit nursing theory separates four key operations within professional practice which are diagnostic, prescriptive, treatment or regulatory, and case management (Yip ,2021) .Within the self-care deficit nursing theory, diagnostic operations refer to the diagnosis and prediction of self-care requisites, which must consider the effect of foundational capabilities and dispositions on the patient’s self-care ability and determine the practical actions required based on the patient’s state of health, manner of daily living, and environmental constraints, and health or other goals

This theory will be appropriate for my DPI project that is focused on fall preventive measures among hospitalized patient in a Skilled Rehabilitation Nursing Facility. As an ARPN I can offer help and advice in matters such as adjusting a patient’s environment in the facility and even at home when discharged and ensuring that they have the necessary knowledge and skills to accomplish the prescribed actions. DNP-815A Topic 2 DQ 2 What are the key concepts and components of the nursing theory that you selected and how are they defined?

Self-care deficit theory  entails the initiation of self-care for patients who are hospitalized that cannot  perform certain cares for themselves while in the hospital and after discharge , the incorporation of Orem’s theory on self-care deficit and ways to bridge the gap will  empower patients and their families to care for themselves and these can be achieved through, patient education for those that lack the knowledge ,  assessments so as to know limitations and strength and plan of care with associated goals will be established to enable the initiation of activities on the patient thus  promoting  life, health and wellbeing .


Within the self-care deficit nursing theory, the role of the ARPN is to apply practical nursing knowledge by determining how a patient can best undertake self-care within the boundaries of their living arrangements and support facilities. DNP-815A Topic 2 DQ 2 What are the key concepts and components of the nursing theory that you selected and how are they defined?

These initiatives are called people centered care which provides a framework to empower and engage people in their healthcare to improve health and well-being. People centered care consciously adopts individual, careers, families’ and communities’ perspectives as participants in, and beneficiaries of, trusted health systems that respond to their needs and preferences in humane and holistic ways (Yip,2021).

All these can be achieved by establishing an integrated partnership between the patient and all providers of care which will in return will encourage co-designing and delivery of personalized care in an efficient and effective way. The goal is better health and well-being outcomes across levels of care.

DNP-815A Topic 2 DQ 2 What are the key concepts and components of the nursing theory that you selected and how are they defined?


Hartweg, D. L., & Metcalfe, S. A. (2022). Orem’s Self-Care Deficit Nursing Theory: Relevance and Need for Refinement. Nursing Science Quarterly, 35(1), 70–76.


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