DNP-815A Topic 3 DQ 1 Compare and contrast a minimum of two middle range theories

Nursing was first introduced to theories in the 1970s. During this era, they were primarily based on the definition of nursing practice. Scholars later noticed that the gran theories lacked proposition, specificity, and empirical testing when applied directly to patient care (Im, 2018). In the 1800s, middle-range theories began (Im, 2018). They were developed based on theoretic induction and deduction on literature and research (Im, 2018). Middle theories provide and explanation of relationships and predictions (Im, 2018).

Its purpose is to narrow the nursing focus with outcomes (Im, 2018). Thus, providing a high problem specification. On the contrary, this can also cause it to fail tests easily. It may also require more significant amounts of observation to increase knowledge. There are most often a limited number of variables. They are also valuable as they allow the opportunity to connect with gran theories and current practice. In nursing practice, theory guides research questions, and research assists in generating theories.

One middle-range theory chosen for the project is Kolcabas Comfort theory. It focuses on relief, ease, and transcendence (Barreto et al., 2022). The elements involved are physical, psychospiritual, environmental, and sociocultural (Barreto et al., 2022). As previously mentioned in week one’s discussion, this theory is often used in acute and or palliative settings. However, this theory could serve as the foundation for the project as it will allow patients to identify comfort measures in a medical emergency with Five Wishes. The application is outcome-oriented, specific to provide comfort, can be applied to the intervention, and is readily available.


Another example is the Theory of Unpleasant Symptoms. It was first developed in 1995 (Lima et al., 2019). It is based on identifying nonpharmacological ways to manage symptoms. The three major related parts are physiologic, psychologic, and situational factors (Lima Gomes et al., 2019). As symptoms are subjective, they are described by timing, intensity, distress, and quality with a multidimensional approach (Lima Gomes et al., 2019). This directly influences the patient’s performance (Lima Gomes et al., 2019).

Its end goal provides a clear and measurable outcome when applied to assess before and after the intervention. This holistic approach can be used in multiple areas of practice and populations. It can be used to describe, explain, and predict in the clinical setting. This theory is ready for application, just like the Kolcabas theory, and shares the common goal of middle-range theories.DNP-815A Topic 3 DQ 1 Compare and contrast a minimum of two middle range theories



Barreto Cardoso, R., Pereira Caldas, C., Gomes Brandão, M. A., Alfradique de Souza, P., & Ferreira Santana, R. (2022). Healthy aging promotion model referenced in Nola Pender’s theory. Revista Brasileira de Enfermagem, 75(1), 1–9.


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