DNP-815A Topic 1 DQ 2 Select a nursing theory that you will use to guide your DNP Project DNP-815A Topic 1 DQ 2



The nursing theory that will guide the DNP project will be Kolcaba’s Comfort Theory. The focus is on patients’ holistic care and comfort in the healthcare setting. It exists in three categories which include relief, ease, and transcendence (Barreto et al., 2020). The content in which comfort can occur is physical, psychospiritual, environmental, and sociocultural (Barreto et al., 2020). The physical includes sensations, immune or homeostatic functions, for example, a patient feeling pain (Barreto et al., 2020). The psychospiritual incorporates sexuality, esteem, and awareness, which includes but not limited to anxiety and or fear (Barreto et al., 2020). The environmental aspect relates to external details that change the human experience, such as light, sounds, color, temperature, and landscapes (Barreto et al., 2020). In the sociocultural context, comfort pertains to traditions, finances, and family (Barreto et al., 2020).

The end role of this theory is to promote a comprehensive assessment for patients to identify needs. It has contributed to the nursing profession by institutionalizing a process to create a care plan to meet the patient’s comfort needs. Unfortunately, the theory of comfort is most used when the patient is in a debilitating condition. For instance, Barreto et al. (2020) implemented the approach in hospitalized elderly patients treated in the intensive care unit. They found that nursing diagnoses correspond to the needs of critically ill patients, but it does not guarantee priorities specific to comfort care. Therefore, the study recommended that the theory be implemented to meet the patient population’s needs. Another research study by Belet Lydia Ingrid (2019) studied patients with cervical cancer. It noted that the implementation of Kolcaba’s theory was necessary to support patients in the healing process and found that it can also improve comfort to the patient during their treatments.

As mentioned above, this theory is often used after patients face a deteriorating health condition. In this stage, many may not be able to clearly identify or properly verbalize needs due to the clinical situation. This theory will guide my DNP project by allowing patients to determine what they identify as comfort. The project aims to give all patients the opportunity to discuss wishes before a critical clinical situation. It is expected to occur by implementing the Five Wishes in the primary care setting.



Barreto Cardoso, R., Alfradique de Souza, P., Pereira Caldas, C., & Ribeiro Bitencourt, G. (2020). Nursing diagnoses in hospitalized elderly patients based on Kolcaba’s Comfort Theory. Revista de Enfermagem Referência, 4, 1–9.

Belet Lydia Ingrit. (2019). The application of Levine’s and Kolcaba’s Theories in the nursing care of patients with the third stadium of cervical cancer. IJNP (Indonesian Journal of Nursing Practices), 3(2), 75–81.

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