DNP-815A Topic 1 DQ 2 Select a nursing theory that you will use to guide your DNP Project

Identification, research, teaching, and communication are very crucial in treating and managing a disease condition hence the nursing process guides the nurse in the care and management of the patients as a unique individual. Orem’s theory of framework points to theoretical constructs of Self-Care, Self-Care Deficits, and Nursing Systems which are all interrelated in providing support and foundations for nursing practice (Marques et al., 2022).

Orem noted the inseparability of a person’s physical, psychological, interpersonal, and social aspects of health and suggests that human services provided by the nurse aid in recovering skills that may be deficient due to altered health status.

The theory encompasses constructs that guide the nurse in rendering holistic person-centered care which includes the foundational capabilities and disposition that entails skills and traits, basic conditioning factors (BCFs) for self-care deficit ability, self-care requisites, includes actions, and items required for the patient to achieve holistic self-care, including health, development, and general well-being achieving these assist in attaining holistic self-care, including health, development, and general well-being (Yip, 2021).

The context involved with Orem’s self-care theory reflects the nursing process that helps in the identification of a patient’s problem by systematically collecting and organizing data analysis, identification of people’s needs through the data analyzed, planning based on the information reviewed, implementation, and evaluation of care. Using clear and patient own language in educating a patient and revaluation and reemphasizing thought topics will empower patients to become involved and become experts in their care subsequently preventing and reducing diseases and infection.

The DNP project focuses on the identification and management of the causes of urinary tract infection (UTI) among nursing home residents to reduce the rate of hospitalization. This theory introduces the use of the nursing process and individualized approach in the care of patients DNP-815A Topic 1 DQ 2 Select a nursing theory that you will use to guide your DNP Project

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Professional advancement model theory is selected for this discussion. This nursing theory can be used in the process of defining and encouraging the promotion of professional contribution in nursing practices. The main role of this theory is the introduction of competency based nurses aiming to contribute in nursing profession from the unit level to advanced clinical practices. The theory encourages the professional development of nurses while focusing on all

areas of clinical practices. The clinical practice and care delivery are the important points in the professional development of nurses and advocated in this nursing theory (Paul, 2019). The production of leadership trait and incorporation of tenants’ traits in nursing profession are essential in the delivery of healthcare services and winning the satisfaction of the patients. DNP-815A Topic 1 DQ 2 Select a nursing theory that you will use to guide your DNP Project

The nurses are supposed to select a particular point and concentrate on it while developing their ndividual interest and introducing strengths. The acquisition of advanced knowledge and nursing skills will help nurses to effectively achieve the defined criteria of services while integrating the knowledge to clinical practices.

The main feature of the theory is the advancement of knowledge and implementation of integrated skills and practices into the nursing profession. This attitude is effective for me in the successful completion of my DPI project. The adoption of this theoretical model will encourage me to my professional growth and developmental skills for the successful completion of the project (Paul, 2019). The recognition of significance of professional contribution is an

important aspect of the theory and an essential trait of the advanced practice nurse to follow in the achievement of objectives and to make decisions for the enhancement of patient care outcomes.


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