Using the research article selected for DQ 1, identify three key questions you will ask and answer when reading the research study and why these questions are important.


Using the research article selected for DQ 1, identify three key questions you will ask and answer when reading the research study and why these questions are important. When responding to peers, provide other questions and answers that could be considered in relation to the peers’ studies.

Replies to Shekar Mendon

The article I’ve choose was Focusing on Families’ Experiences of Health Care: Choosing a Qualitative Research Design. identify three key questions you will ask and answer when reading the research study and why these questions are important.

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1.    What specific population is being target?

The population that is being target is children with cerebral palsy and their parent. This population was chosen

because health care service is dissatisfying to those with cerebral palsy and their families, it’s contraindicating to the principle of family-centered care. The guidelines and standards do not reflect the needs of those with Cerebral palsy.

2.    What research methods are used to further investigate the health care service?

I.              Complexity and Variability of the experience of health care, this is the process of delivering health care service which involves the children with CP and their families, and providers. This study has a variability due to the nature and severity of the of the disorder, as well as the type and amount of service available in different regions.

II.             Cross-Disciplinary study purpose, this methodology is for parents to openly discuss their experience without influences of experience. Using an open-ended approach to explore the parent experience and study the outcome.


3.    What is the potential effect of improvement in health care?

The potential improvement would be to incorporate guidelines and standard of care into clinical practices. This research methodology will improve health care for this population. By doing so, individual understanding of reality is constructed through social interaction and social experience.


Hayles, E., Harvey, D., Plummer, D., & Jones, A. (2015). PERSPECTIVE: Focusing on Families’ Experiences of Health Care: Choosing a Qualitative Research Design. Journal on Developmental Disabilities21(2), 110–118.

Whitney DG, Kamdar NS, Ng S, Hurvitz EA, Peterson MD. Prevalence of high-burden medical conditions and health care resource utilization and costs among adults with cerebral palsy. Clin Epidemiol. 2019 Jun 19;11:469-481. doi: 10.2147/CLEP.S205839. PMID: 31417318; PMCID: PMC6592066.

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