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Effects of Age on the Pharmacodynamic and Pharmacokinetics Processes

A couple of factors influence pharmacodynamic and pharmacokinetic processes. For instance, age, genetics, behaviors, and ethnicity. Aging is designated by accelerated impairment of functional capab...

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Psychosis and Schizophrenia Assessment and Treatment Introduction

Antipsychotic agents, also called neuroleptic or major tranquilizers, are used primarily to treat schizophrenia. Schizophrenia is characterized primarily by a clear sensory but marked thinking dist...

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Psychosis and Schizophrenia Assessment and Treatment


Psychosis is defined as an illness characterized by the presence of hallucinations and delusions that can cause distress or a marked change in an individual’s behavio...

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NURS 6512 Assignment 1: Digital Clinical Experience: Assessing the Heart, Lungs, and Peripheral Vascular System NURS 6512 Assignment 1: Digital Clinical Experience: Assessing the Heart, Lungs, and Peripheral Vascular System

SUBJECTIVE DATA:  Mr. Brian Foster is a 58 years old male who presented at the emergency department with complaints of  acute chest pain at the mid-sternum of the ch...

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List two pharmacologic agents and their dosing that would be appropriate for the patient’s anti-depressant therapy based on pharmacokinetics and pharmacodynamics. From a mechanism of action perspective, provide a rationale for why you might choose one agent over the other.

The patient is currently taking Sertraline 100mg daily. If the patient takes the medication as prescribed, the patient should see improvement in depressive symptoms. The scenario does not state how...

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Explain what, if any, physical exams, and diagnostic tests would be appropriate for the patient and how the results would be used.

The tests will be ordered include labs test, physical examination, and psychiatric evaluation. A chemical laboratory test is often performed to identify the cause of a particular condition and to c...

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NRNP 6635 Assignment: Assessing and Diagnosing Patients With Schizophrenia, Other Psychotic Disorders, and Medication-Induced Movement Disorders


Chief Complaint: “Mr. Nehring suggested you see me. He said you are having some issues at work ”

History of Pre...

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NRNP 6635 Assignment: Assessing and Diagnosing Patients With Schizophrenia, Other Psychotic Disorders, and Medication-Induced Movement Disorders

NRNP 6635 Assignment: Assessing and Diagnosing Patients With Schizophrenia, Other Psychotic Disorders, and Medication-Induced Movement Disorders

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